ogre's recent activity

  1. Comment on Must see touring artists? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I’ve been to more energetic shows (Death Grips) but JPEG’s show was electric and intimate at the same time. I think the whole crowd felt a connection when I saw him in 2019. Saw him perform last...

    I’ve been to more energetic shows (Death Grips) but JPEG’s show was electric and intimate at the same time. I think the whole crowd felt a connection when I saw him in 2019. Saw him perform last year at a much larger venue, I missed the intimacy but the energy was there. Great performer.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on Valve's next game may have just leaked / Deadlock appears to be a multiplayer hero shooter that combines elements of Overwatch, Valorant, and Dota 2 in ~games

    Nearly every aspect has leaked from this game since this post. Apparently Valve updated their invite system after this so that every player in the closed alpha can invite up to 3 more players....

    Nearly every aspect has leaked from this game since this post. Apparently Valve updated their invite system after this so that every player in the closed alpha can invite up to 3 more players. From what I've read over on /r/GamingLeaksAndRumours, the play test numbers have doubled. Seems to be an intentional rollout at this point.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on ‘The Fall Guy’ box office disappointment hurts more than opening weekend in ~movies

    This is anecdotal but I think the marketing for this movie missed the mark. I fall into the category of chronically online and I had no idea this movie was already in theaters until Saturday...

    This is anecdotal but I think the marketing for this movie missed the mark. I fall into the category of chronically online and I had no idea this movie was already in theaters until Saturday morning.

    The movie itself is a solid action rom-com. I came for Ryan Gosling but enjoyed Emily Blunt's character most, and I wish she had more screen time. Overall I'd give it a thumbs up.

    7 votes
  4. Comment on Kendrick Lamar - Meet the Grahams (2024) in ~music

    Link Parent
    I’ll try to give some context and motivation for the feud. In 2013 Kendrick was featured on a song Control. In his verse he says the generation before him has their legends solidified but he’s...

    I’ll try to give some context and motivation for the feud. In 2013 Kendrick was featured on a song Control. In his verse he says the generation before him has their legends solidified but he’s ready to fight for the number one spot of his generation, and calls out by name some of his peers (including Drake) and says he’s ready to murder them. Most artists took the verse in stride and were happy to be seen as competitors in Kendrick’s eyes. Drake however didn’t appreciate it and mentioned in multiple interviews that he thought the verse was inauthentic and sensationalized. Drake is generally seen as sensitive, so this tracks.

    That was more than 10 years ago and in between there have been slight jabs (sneak disses) from both sides and an apparent scrapped interview where Drake goes off about not liking Kendrick.

    From what I gather as a fan who’s been keeping up with this for a while, at some point Kendrick’s mild distaste for Drake grew into something stronger. In Kendrick’s direct disses he characterizes Drake as a culture vulture because while he is biracial and has a black father, he was raised by his white mother in a privileged community and lived a privileged lifestyle, but has “code-switched” many times taking on different black accents and cultures as costumes during the last 10 years.

    Drake responded taking the feud to a more personal level, saying one of Kendrick’s children is fathered by Kendrick’s best friend, and that Kendrick beats his fiancee. Now the gloves are starting to come off, and Kendrick releases this track within the hour.

    Meet the Grahams addresses the fact that Drake has had several suspicious moments involving young women over the years, enough to gain scrutiny from the media. He also works closely with a sex offender, and has even paid a settlement to someone who accused him of sexual assault. Kendrick is throwing this in Drake’s face now calling him a pedophile in the last two songs.

    17 votes
  5. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I made an effort to learn the Crystal programming language this week. The allure is primarily for Ruby programmers who want the performance of a statically typed compiled language, but I am not a...

    I made an effort to learn the Crystal programming language this week. The allure is primarily for Ruby programmers who want the performance of a statically typed compiled language, but I am not a Ruby programmer so the syntax is quite alien to me. I didn’t realize how much I depend on lsp support for object oriented languages until this week lol. From what I read, there’s no interpreter for Crystal so it compiles your code each time you save to give syntax hints, but the compiler isn’t very performant so it’s practically useless imo. I wanted to learn the language because it’s primarily what powers Kagi’s search backend, but after spending a week with it I think I’d like to admire Kagi from afar rather than work on their backend lol. I had some fun with a few bits and pieces in Crystal but it’s not something I’ll return to in the future.

    Conversely, I picked up Nim last night and immediately fell in love after following along with the tutorial. I’ve been thinking about it all morning and I’m excited to get home to my keyboard tomorrow to write some more with it. I’ve never used meta programming/macros to bend a language like the docs say is possible, so I’d really like to learn how it works.

    Learning a new language for the joy of programming instead of pursuing a job is much more enjoyable.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Bluesky Social is now open to the public in ~tech

    Link Parent
    What sets BlueSky apart from Mastodon or Pleroma is the federated protocol it's built on top of. Mastodon and Pleroma use ActivityPub, while BlueSky uses the AT Protocol. The implementation...

    What sets BlueSky apart from Mastodon or Pleroma is the federated protocol it's built on top of. Mastodon and Pleroma use ActivityPub, while BlueSky uses the AT Protocol. The implementation details go a bit over my head, but I believe the the gist of their differences is what level of control a user has over their own personal data and the content they see. You can read more about why they chose to build their own protocol here.

    Do we really need another microblogging platform?

    I still use Twitter, and if the pitch for BlueSky is "Twitter but with more user control" I'm going to give an earnest shot. Do we need it? I don't think we need a new platform but social media does need reform. I want to support a platform that's trying to change social media for the better.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on Bluesky Social is now open to the public in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I know what you mean, most of the artists I follow on Twitter haven't made a bluesky account and if they have the handle is different or they don't post anything at all. I think the initial boom...

    I know what you mean, most of the artists I follow on Twitter haven't made a bluesky account and if they have the handle is different or they don't post anything at all. I think the initial boom of bluesky passed and there are many idle accounts that don't post anything because they don't get the same level of engagement as Twitter. Again hopefully this grand re-opening changes things.

    6 votes
  8. Comment on Side projects that were actually good? in ~music

    Zach Hill of Hella has started countless side projects, his most noteworthy being Death Grips. However Death Grips has become gargantuan in fame compared to the rest of his projects, so "which one...

    Zach Hill of Hella has started countless side projects, his most noteworthy being Death Grips. However Death Grips has become gargantuan in fame compared to the rest of his projects, so "which one is really the side project?"

    More recently, he teamed up with Nick Reinhart of Tera Melos (again, previously on bygones and Death Grips) to create Undo K From Hot which I absolutely love, and I hope they put out a second record under this name soon.

    No matter what genre or experimental sound Zach is putting out I will listen to it. I gave his most recent project with Lucas Abela, NEVER, a solid few listens and it just wasn't for me. But this man has created so many different sounds and projects over the last couple of decades I'd be doing myself a disservice to not sample all of his art with an open mind.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Bluesky Social is now open to the public in ~tech

    Bluesky Social no longer needs an invite code to join. I hope this boosts the number of active users consistently, it’s been quiet since I joined a couple weeks ago. Their approach to federation...

    Bluesky Social no longer needs an invite code to join. I hope this boosts the number of active users consistently, it’s been quiet since I joined a couple weeks ago.

    Their approach to federation and the AT protocol is exciting and I’m fully on board for new tech trying to redefine something as broad as social media. How do y’all feel about bsky so far? Will it see unbound growth with this opening or will it fall off?

    13 votes
  10. Comment on Career advice (or success stories) thread in ~life

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the advice! I did pay for an ATS/resume review from Indeed or LinkedIn last year and it felt like a total waste of money, but I guess there's much better services out there. How can you...

    Thanks for the advice! I did pay for an ATS/resume review from Indeed or LinkedIn last year and it felt like a total waste of money, but I guess there's much better services out there. How can you tell a job will be worth interviewing for before paying money to have your resume tailored to its job description / ATS? $900 is a lot of money for me, and most companies listed on Indeed/LinkedIn I've never heard of. There are MAANG companies but I rarely apply, mostly because I don't feel like I would get the job anyway. Every time I start writing a cover letter I end up deleting it too because it feels so forced, I never know what to write.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on Career advice (or success stories) thread in ~life

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the advice! I try to enhance my experience as much as possible my resume without being outright lies, and I admit when I don't know something in an interview but emphasize that I'm a...

    Thanks for the advice! I try to enhance my experience as much as possible my resume without being outright lies, and I admit when I don't know something in an interview but emphasize that I'm a quick learner ready to work on anything new. That was my strategy during interviews last year and it worked to get me my current job but this time around I'm not getting any takers on my applications at all. It's starting to get worrisome but I've still got time.

    1 vote
  12. Comment on Career advice (or success stories) thread in ~life

    I'm a software engineer and I think the ~4 years of experience that I have so far isn't attractive to employers nor does it align with my personal goals. I worked on a kanban team for 3 years...

    I'm a software engineer and I think the ~4 years of experience that I have so far isn't attractive to employers nor does it align with my personal goals. I worked on a kanban team for 3 years fresh out of college solely doing ad-hoc SQL scripts for a massive company. They weren't even that complex, usually just separating the credentials of newly-divorced customers who shared an account. I didn't like the work but it paid well for the area and they let me work from home after the pandemic started. I interviewed around at other places during my 3 years there but the leap of leaving my first full-time job and not being able to work from home kept me rooted. Eventually tech layoffs came for me and the line of business I worked under, which didn't feel great but it lit a fire under me to get another job fast.

    Fortunately I was able to land a contracting job as a junior Java engineer where I've been for the last 12 months. I've learned so much working here doing "real work", and learning from some great engineers on my team. But still, while the work I do is much more rewarding it's not where I want to stay. The bulk of my work is fixing bugs that come from integrating new features with ghastly legacy code. I want to work on building new things with new technology rather than supporting a legacy product that's being sunset in 6 months anyway.

    It probably seems arrogant or naive to want ownership of building new features or even a new platform when I have just 1 year of experience supporting an older system but it's really what attracts me to the field. I've been speedrunning building websites and systems with a few different tech stacks, just to get the experience of building from the ground up. More recently I've been experimenting with building Go microservices in docker containers and front-end sites with Vue, and I like it a lot. I just don't know how to go about getting a job working with these things when most job listings want staff engineers with ~10 years of experience. I'd be okay with taking another junior engineer role if I was allowed to move fast and grow fast in it, but as far as I can see there aren't any junior positions hiring for these stacks right now.

    I feel like I could build a better case for myself if I was to get an interview with the companies I apply to but I've only received rejections in the last couple of months. I just want to know what I can do to sell myself to these companies that are building new products with new tech. It feels like there's so much to learn but there are things I can't learn working by myself on websites that get no traffic, and I would benefit from working in a environment with other engineers. Maybe I'm looking at it all wrong, and I just need to hear someone else's perspective to reframe how I view things.

    @ShroudedScribe thanks for posting posting this thread. I've had this on my chest for a bit and it feels good to write it all out, even if I don't get any advice.

    10 votes
  13. Comment on First tattoo tips? in ~life

    Everyone else has offered enough aftercare advice, but I still want to emphasize using sunscreen every day after it’s healed. Another thing I don’t see people mention often in tattoo discussions...

    Everyone else has offered enough aftercare advice, but I still want to emphasize using sunscreen every day after it’s healed.

    Another thing I don’t see people mention often in tattoo discussions is mild body dysphoria, for lack of a better term. After I got my first tattoo it was jarring seeing it on my body in the mirror the first few days, like it was unnatural. I think that’s normal and if it happens to you don’t sweat it, you’ve got some killer art to be proud of. Good luck!

    5 votes
  14. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I spent the last couple of months working on a website to process and analyze data from Smite’s public api. Their api request form asks for a link to your site so I got to work on an mvp. I built...

    I spent the last couple of months working on a website to process and analyze data from Smite’s public api. Their api request form asks for a link to your site so I got to work on an mvp. I built it using Django rest framework, postgresql, and a Vue SPA for the front end. These are all things I had never used before because I like learning new things.

    However, by the time I got to a place where I felt comfortable with the basic design and behavior they had closed their api request form until further notice. Then the next day they announced Smite 2, a complete overhaul to most of the systems I was going to analyze. It’s a bit of a bummer to hang in limbo now but at least I learned a lot. There’s some kinks in the site I was looking forward to ironing out but I can’t find the motivation when api access is up in the air.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Office chair recommendations? in ~health

    I went into Staples on some holiday sale, probably Memorial Day. Sat on every display chair and picked the comfiest one regardless of price. It’s been over 3 years and the chair is still like new...

    I went into Staples on some holiday sale, probably Memorial Day. Sat on every display chair and picked the comfiest one regardless of price. It’s been over 3 years and the chair is still like new (if I got the dust bunnies out of the wheels). As far as durability and comfort I wouldn’t get anything else. The seat cushion surprisingly hasn’t degraded despite working from home full time its whole life. My only complaint is the backrest doesn’t go up to the neck.


    1 vote
  16. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    For now I’m just accepting input for ingredients then letting her build a meal with the ingredients. I hadn’t looked for any food APIs so I’m not sure what’s available. I was considering doing...

    For now I’m just accepting input for ingredients then letting her build a meal with the ingredients. I hadn’t looked for any food APIs so I’m not sure what’s available. I was considering doing some sort of recipe builder with cooklang as a stretch goal but I don’t want to increase the scope just yet.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Thank you for your suggestion! I'm not sure what the real differences are so I'll commit to trying both and seeing which one I like more. My main goal is to reach completion and to learn a lot...

    Thank you for your suggestion! I'm not sure what the real differences are so I'll commit to trying both and seeing which one I like more. My main goal is to reach completion and to learn a lot along the way, whether it's easy or not.

  18. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    My wife wants calorie tracking web app with some new ideas and features she can't seem to find elsewhere. I've never made a real web app before and because I struggle with analysis paralysis I've...

    My wife wants calorie tracking web app with some new ideas and features she can't seem to find elsewhere. I've never made a real web app before and because I struggle with analysis paralysis I've put it off since I could never figure out the "right stack" for make the site with. I recently decided to learn Go for no other reason than I wanted to, and since Go has web capabilities I decided to do a React & Go based web app with no experience in either. I'm shooting for the stars on this without considering "what's best" because I always get in my own way. If I completely muck it up I'll at least have learned something. Presently I have a go server with a few template pages and I plan on complicating things with a postgres database, which I've also never used before. I simply don't care anymore if I'm doing things wrong or inefficiently because at least I'm doing things.

    10 votes
  19. Comment on Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of former US President Donald Trump’s 2021 conversation about classified documents in ~news

    This clip is simultaneously amusing, and frightening. This is the former president and the people he's with speak to him like a child. They did not have his best interest in mind given that this...

    This clip is simultaneously amusing, and frightening.

    This is the former president and the people he's with speak to him like a child. They did not have his best interest in mind given that this recording exists and was given to authorities. He voluntarily showed them a classified plan of attack on another country. Imagine how easy it could be for foreign adversaries to manipulate him into doing the same with other classified docs. It's clearly possible and to an extent we don't know.

    That being said I can't help but laugh that they chose to include him asking for cokes at the end of the clip.

    34 votes