Bront's recent activity

  1. Comment on Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million in ~games

    Link Parent
    With $700 million funds raised across over 5 million backers, I'd say it is well past "getting off the ground".

    and then see something like Star Citizen never get off the ground

    With $700 million funds raised across over 5 million backers, I'd say it is well past "getting off the ground".

    8 votes
  2. Comment on Computer savvy people of Tildes, do you have any advice re setting up a new MS Windows personal computer? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    AdBlockPlus AND uBlock Origin? Just do uBlock Origin CCleaner is an old product, Windows built-in tools handle everything you need. I honestly did not know people still use KLite Codec Pack in...

    AdBlockPlus AND uBlock Origin? Just do uBlock Origin

    CCleaner is an old product, Windows built-in tools handle everything you need.

    I honestly did not know people still use KLite Codec Pack in 2023. Its like having a headache so you take every pill in the medicine cabinet. Just install the codecs you need OR just use VLC player.

    6 votes
  3. Comment on Seeking advice to make a trip to Italy better in ~travel

    As someone already said, learn some basic Italian words and phrases. You will be appreciated for trying and get a better reaction. If you are taking a train into Venice, make sure you have the...

    As someone already said, learn some basic Italian words and phrases. You will be appreciated for trying and get a better reaction.

    If you are taking a train into Venice, make sure you have the train out booked ahead of time. Nothing worse then rocking up to the train station to leave and there are no seats left.

    There are hidden fees everywhere so be on the lookout. Some are malicious and others are part of the culture. For example you will pay more to sit at a resturant versus if you are willing to stand.

    Do not forget to validate your train or boat tickets at the station or dock. If you forget and get caught it can lead to a very hefty fine.

    Italy attracts a lot of tourists, and by extension a lot of scammers. Do not be afraid to say no or be rude if they are pushy. Anyone who approaches you and speaks good English is generally up to no good. Especially common around any tourist hotspot.

    Most of the gelato shops are fake. Do a little research beforehand on how to spot real gelato.

    On that note, avoid any food you can get at home. You're in Italy, don't order a hamburger it will be terrible.

    If you go to Pompeii and you don't visit the Villa of Mysteries, then you missed the best part.

    Wake up early one day in Venice and get out to see the city before everyone else wakes up and the streets are filled with tourists.

    6 votes
  4. Comment on A closer look at Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong, the most densely populated place that ever existed in ~humanities.history

    I am lucky to have visited Warehouse Kawasaki, a 5 story arcade in Japan that was closely designed to look like Kowloon. They reference it in the linked video. The first two floors were especially...

    I am lucky to have visited Warehouse Kawasaki, a 5 story arcade in Japan that was closely designed to look like Kowloon. They reference it in the linked video. The first two floors were especially designed for an immersive experience.

    Sadly, it closed in 2019. You can find some video tours online if you are interested in what it looked like.

    5 votes
  5. Comment on Selecting monitors for a three monitor setup in ~tech

    Since a few people have already recommended just one big monitor, let me add on that you should install something like Microsoft PowerToys, specifically for the FancyZones utility. I use this to...

    Since a few people have already recommended just one big monitor, let me add on that you should install something like Microsoft PowerToys, specifically for the FancyZones utility. I use this to easily manage multiple windows on one big desktop and it has become a necessary install whenever I setup a new machine.

    2 votes
  6. Comment on Seeing a notification about a new reply on Tildes gives me more pleasure than it did on Reddit in ~tildes

    100% agree. It was only when I started visiting Tildes that I realized how low quality the comments on Reddit had become. Once I became aware of it, I realized I collapse the first dozen comments...

    100% agree. It was only when I started visiting Tildes that I realized how low quality the comments on Reddit had become. Once I became aware of it, I realized I collapse the first dozen comments on a reddit thread now before finding one with actual substance.

    11 votes
  7. Comment on The code of conduct doesn't say enough in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I keep seeing the same few "Stay away from Tildes, I got banned for nothing!" threads being reposted. I would recommend you don't take these posts strictly by their word. The reality is the people...

    I keep seeing the same few "Stay away from Tildes, I got banned for nothing!" threads being reposted. I would recommend you don't take these posts strictly by their word.

    The reality is the people posting are rarely truthful about the extent of what led to them being banned. I guarantee its more than just a few swear words.

    24 votes
  8. Comment on YouTube is testing a three-strikes policy for ad blocking in ~tech

    (edited )
    If you like youtube-dl check out yt-dlp It is an up to date fork of youtube-dl with additional features. Works just the same as the original. If you are on Windows you can install it with winget...

    If you like youtube-dl check out yt-dlp

    It is an up to date fork of youtube-dl with additional features. Works just the same as the original.

    If you are on Windows you can install it with winget install yt-dlp from a Powershell prompt.

    Realized this was posted in the top comment replies, but in case you didn't dive into that I'll leave this up here

    3 votes
  9. Comment on Group updates for July 2023 in ~tildes.official

    Link makes sense to me. There are american football leagues other than the NFL, but they aren't as popular and can discuss in general ~sports until it feels necessary to give them their own... makes sense to me. There are american football leagues other than the NFL, but they aren't as popular and can discuss in general ~sports until it feels necessary to give them their own sub-group.

    Alternatively, you could do and (I may upset someone with this suggestion)

    15 votes
  10. Comment on Let's talk retro tech in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    I had a Model M keyboard many years ago, and I actually got rid of it. As enjoyable as it was to use, I never did because it would irritate anyone in earshot with how loud it was.

    I had a Model M keyboard many years ago, and I actually got rid of it. As enjoyable as it was to use, I never did because it would irritate anyone in earshot with how loud it was.

    1 vote