15 votes

Fast-growing asparagus once flourished on California farms. Why is it disappearing?


  1. nacho
    I was under the belief that asparagus harvesting robots have been a thing for at least 5 years, probably more. Farming is a cut-throat business that requires huge investment when there's...

    I was under the belief that asparagus harvesting robots have been a thing for at least 5 years, probably more.

    Farming is a cut-throat business that requires huge investment when there's technology change. Incumbents that changed tech in the not too distant past are therefore often at a disadvantage since their previous-generation stuff is still being paid off.

    I expect there'll be a ton fewer jobs in the fields over the next few years. And way more technology.

    6 votes
  2. tanglisha
    None of this seems to have changed the prices of asparagus in a way that doesn't make me think it's an expensive treat. Because of that, I've planted asparagus in my garden. You have to wait and...

    None of this seems to have changed the prices of asparagus in a way that doesn't make me think it's an expensive treat.

    Because of that, I've planted asparagus in my garden. You have to wait and then can gradually harvest more and more after the first year - they live for around 20 years. They were attend $20 for 10 crowns. It won't take long for that to pay for itself even with the water I'll need to give it over the summer.

    I'd like to encourage anyone with the space to do the same, but that just doesn't feel reasonable as a first time grower who was convinced it was dead when it took three months to emerge.

    6 votes
  3. Nemoder
    We've been lucky enough to have it grow wild on our property. It grows very fast but if you catch at it just the right time it makes such a great sweet and crispy veggie snack. It's unfortunate...

    We've been lucky enough to have it grow wild on our property. It grows very fast but if you catch at it just the right time it makes such a great sweet and crispy veggie snack.

    It's unfortunate how the labor laws have effected farming since farmers can't just raise prices to cover increased labor costs since the prices farmers get back are usually fixed in place by the handful of national grocers.