thumbsupemoji's recent activity

  1. Comment on Welcome to the millennial midlife crisis in ~life

    Link Parent
    Is the US still objectively a good country to live in (mostly, with disclaimers)? For sure. Was it a better/easier country to live in, economically, in previous decades (again, mostly, with...

    Is the US still objectively a good country to live in (mostly, with disclaimers)? For sure. Was it a better/easier country to live in, economically, in previous decades (again, mostly, with disclaimers)? Definitely. There is a vague but perhaps coalescing feeling of having the ladder kicked out from underneath us, societally—or perhaps rolled up from above: my dad recently was adamant that it would be a crime to forgive student loan debt, when he worked his way through college. I asked incredulously, “You paid for college while you were in college? With a part-time job?” “Absolutely I did, I wasn’t about to take out a loan—and I only made a couple dollars an hour, too.”

    So yeah if people today could do the menial jobs, even for menial pay, but afford to make it past that point, I think there would be less of this feeling. But unfortunately several factors in that haven’t held up.

    12 votes
  2. Comment on Welcome to the millennial midlife crisis in ~life

    Link Parent
    hell if I was a healthy single white male with a decent income I’d be collecting pinball machines too.

    hell if I was a healthy single white male with a decent income I’d be collecting pinball machines too.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I did it! Parrying all over the place now lol

    I did it! Parrying all over the place now lol

  4. Comment on Are there any backpacks which are both stylish and functional? in

    Link Parent
    I feel like this is just the wrong crowd lol, prob hits a nerve but 100% a tech bro is as easy to spot as a 2015 hipster who loves Mumford & flannel & IPAs, own it guys! Remember Silicon Valley?...

    I feel like this is just the wrong crowd lol, prob hits a nerve but 100% a tech bro is as easy to spot as a 2015 hipster who loves Mumford & flannel & IPAs, own it guys!

    Remember Silicon Valley? There’s a wide variety of tech bros presented, it’s a whole spectrum.

    7 votes
  5. Comment on Are there any backpacks which are both stylish and functional? in

    Link Parent
    IMO the opposite of a tech bro backpack is a Topo Rover, which is probably the perfect backpack if you’re still looking.

    IMO the opposite of a tech bro backpack is a Topo Rover, which is probably the perfect backpack if you’re still looking.

    1 vote
  6. Comment on School choice programs have been wildly successful under Ron DeSantis. Now Florida public schools might close. in ~life

    Link Parent
    The thing is, people may not understand the decisions but they are defending them, not just claiming ignorance. Even on here, like right above you, there are posts basically saying “rich people...

    The thing is, people may not understand the decisions but they are defending them, not just claiming ignorance. Even on here, like right above you, there are posts basically saying “rich people have the right to send their kids wherever they want, they shouldn’t have to pay for everyone else to go to school.” Like dude that is taxes, you’re describing taxes. It’s not a new concept: the king has money, but he can’t/definitely won’t build a big nice wall by himself, but hey if you guys work and build my wall I’ll give you some land, then when the wall is done you’re safe, just give me some of the crop yield to live inside the wall you built that I’ve paid for. Feudalism notwithstanding, it worked for us for a long time and we got interstates and public utilities out of it, and people who make -max- $200k are saying that no one should be “forced” to use the school system, which leads to “why am I paying for something I don’t use?” Why should retirees be paying taxes for schools when they don’t have any kids? It’s not a slippery slope if we are all actively sliding downhill into boomery self-obsession—kids don’t get to pick their parents, charter schools are just a way to separate people whose parents can pay for school from people whose parents cannot, solidifying the divide generationally. Why would we want to be about that. But I’ve literally had people tell me I’m a conspiracy theorist for saying that worsening public education is a feature not a bug, then tell me that teachers don’t want more money, they just want to be respected.

    14 votes
  7. Comment on School choice programs have been wildly successful under Ron DeSantis. Now Florida public schools might close. in ~life

    Link Parent
    Both you and /u/DefinitelyNotAFae are correct, leaving everyone in the same class is a poor choice but both ends of the spectrum are classified under Special Services and can be equally disruptive...

    Both you and /u/DefinitelyNotAFae are correct, leaving everyone in the same class is a poor choice but both ends of the spectrum are classified under Special Services and can be equally disruptive to the other 80% or students, for different reasons. Is putting them in different boxes? Maybe not; what are some alternatives?

    3 votes
  8. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    I’m up to Dark Souls 3! The first one was glorious in every way, DS2 was exactly what everyone said it would be lol, but I enjoyed most of it nevertheless. DS3 has been great, until I slammed my...

    I’m up to Dark Souls 3! The first one was glorious in every way, DS2 was exactly what everyone said it would be lol, but I enjoyed most of it nevertheless. DS3 has been great, until I slammed my face into the Pontiff at 60mph, still there today, working on parrying yeesh

    9 votes
  9. Comment on Studio musicians are still waiting for credit in the streaming era in ~music

  10. Comment on I ate the Subway Footlong Cookie so you don’t have to in ~food

    Had one of these under duress in a hospital cafeteria—the first couple bites hit the spot at 11pm, but after that he’s absolutely right, not great. The pretzel was fine and the churro was pretty...

    Had one of these under duress in a hospital cafeteria—the first couple bites hit the spot at 11pm, but after that he’s absolutely right, not great.

    The pretzel was fine and the churro was pretty good tho

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Housing market predictions in ~finance

    Link Parent
    The fact that you’re having to defend or explain feeling like currently things are crazy, in my opinion, is just further evidence of how crazy things are lol. Like yeah you could be worse off but...

    The fact that you’re having to defend or explain feeling like currently things are crazy, in my opinion, is just further evidence of how crazy things are lol. Like yeah you could be worse off but how did a household with two “public service”-type jobs become not enough to afford housing? Not everyone can be an engineer or a software developer, kids and sick people have to go someplace.

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Does anyone have experience or advice on cutting sugar consumption? in ~health

    One thing I’m not seeing mentioned that may be helpful: cutting carbs all around really helps decrease cravings for sugar. French fries are basically a dessert item lol

    One thing I’m not seeing mentioned that may be helpful: cutting carbs all around really helps decrease cravings for sugar. French fries are basically a dessert item lol

    3 votes
  13. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    oh yeah, once I found two zweis it was on

    oh yeah, once I found two zweis it was on

  14. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Update: after beating my head against iron keep/smelter demon, turns out you were 100% about ADP lol

    Update: after beating my head against iron keep/smelter demon, turns out you were 100% about ADP lol

    1 vote
  15. Comment on Please recommend me an anime to watch? in ~anime

    Paprika! So very good, like Ghibli and GITS had a baby. Don’t know how it gets under the radar so much.

    Paprika! So very good, like Ghibli and GITS had a baby. Don’t know how it gets under the radar so much.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Inside the surreal world of $20,000 pet portraits (gifted link) in ~life.pets

    Link Parent
    I mean if you’re already there lol, and you’re already out $50 grand…

    I mean if you’re already there lol, and you’re already out $50 grand…

  17. Comment on Inside the surreal world of $20,000 pet portraits (gifted link) in ~life.pets

    It's absolutely insane what happens when you hit that 1%er mark—because of economies of scale, you don't have to have a ton of customers, you just have to attract the correct customers, who...

    It's absolutely insane what happens when you hit that 1%er mark—because of economies of scale, you don't have to have a ton of customers, you just have to attract the correct customers, who conveniently enough can afford to travel all over the world. Did you know, for example, that there's a Four Seasons at Disney World? Did you know that you can have Disney characters come and visit just you and your family at the hotel? Starting at $7k—but at that point why not?

    1 vote
  18. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Sen’s was the -worst-, like a Super Mario Bros 3 level lol

    Sen’s was the -worst-, like a Super Mario Bros 3 level lol

    1 vote
  19. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    My turn! My first FromSoft experience was getting Elden Ring super soon after release, and it was the most amazing and unique experience I've ever had with a game; it was possible early on to...

    My turn! My first FromSoft experience was getting Elden Ring super soon after release, and it was the most amazing and unique experience I've ever had with a game; it was possible early on to literally be the first person to spot something in the game (or at least put it online lol), going to the wiki page and just seeing frantic statements was amazing, it felt like such an expansive world. I finished it, I beat everybody, I found out the Dark Souls Remaster was available on Switch—perfect, I could take it to work and play at lunch!

    Not so haha. Wow, a lot changed in game design from 2011-2022, even for a genre known for being grueling. My Elden Ring character started out puny and stayed puny for quite a while, but I learned to run from the tree sentinel and leave Varre alone and don't get greedy &etc, and once I found the hookclaws it was on. My Dark Souls character started puny and gosh just never changed lol, I couldn't wear any armor and move, I couldn't lift a decent weapon, wtf do I do. Sparse bonfires to recharge and no warping meant I was getting slammed and losing all my souls in the slamming—use a humanity to ask for help? I only have two and every time I use one an actual person tries to murder me? Lol I didn't get far, finally beat Gaping Dragon after spending ages trying to get un-cursed, because I couldn't get back up to buy the thing without being murdered... I put it on the shelf.

    After the ER DLC announcement, I figured what the heck, maybe I got gud. I finished it in about a week, and it was just successive realizations and catharsis. I feel like I spent that time in therapy lol. I started upgrading the zweihander, doing pretty well for myself, made it to Ornstein & Smough and just got beat down, I have no idea how many times. But at a certain point I started feeling like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, where I could actually see it, and I was just struck by the balance of it, the time committed to making it painfully, painfully fair. Every time I died I deserved it, no weird jumps or slippery controls like a Mario game, no one to blame but myself. After those guys I knew how to power through and when to hold back, and I felt gloriously unstoppable. Sif and Artorias got to me, for sure, but when Gough wastes that dragon and says "What is bravery, without a dash of recklessness?" man, it felt so good. So anyway starting DSII this evening, wish me luck.

    7 votes
  20. Comment on ‘Snowpiercer’ season 4 moves to AMC after being scrapped at TNT in ~tv

    Link Parent
    That’s kind of how I felt about the movie, so if the show is even more like that, damn. I thought it was just cultural differences with a Korean-produced movie with the Chris Evans version.

    That’s kind of how I felt about the movie, so if the show is even more like that, damn. I thought it was just cultural differences with a Korean-produced movie with the Chris Evans version.

    1 vote