snake_case's recent activity

  1. Comment on US President Joe Biden just signed the largest executive order focused on women’s health in ~life.women

    So.... Is this all we're gonna get? Didn't he promise to do something about the states outlawing abortion?

    So.... Is this all we're gonna get? Didn't he promise to do something about the states outlawing abortion?

  2. Comment on How is moderation going lately? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    I don't want to be associated with centrists in general, the 'both sides' thing has really left a bad taste in my mouth, people keep using it as an excuse to do nothing, to not pick a direction...

    I don't want to be associated with centrists in general, the 'both sides' thing has really left a bad taste in my mouth, people keep using it as an excuse to do nothing, to not pick a direction and go, to sit still, and those people are voting in masse and forcing our government to sit still and it's driving me absolutely bonkers, I can't stand it. I just want them to do SOMETHING and stick with it for long enough to actually see what happens.

    That being said, I do make an attempt to center myself and even with those attempts I find myself on the left. It's hard to ignore that government 'off hands' policy directly lead to the great depression and has continued to cause economic turbulence since then, and it's also hard to ignore that we haven't had an actual democratic president since FDR and clearly what we're doing isn't working, so why don't we try that?

    I imagine I would feel very differently had the government been even vaguely leftist for even part of my life. I have a natural disdain for strong governments, bred into me by... well, gestures around and I think individualism is a healthy part of American culture, if only because it seems to be the only thing most of us can agree on. I don't want to lose the one thing most of us can agree on.


    What I find refreshing about Tildes is that it's not just social posturing here. You can't just make one comment and get upvoted or down-voted into oblivion. Tildes has removed the popularity contest, so we're more free to share the nuances of our opinions instead of dumb one liners like "Greg Abott is a little piss baby" even if it's true, we get to spend time and type out why Greg Abott is a little piss baby and discuss the nuances of him being a little piss baby.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on How is moderation going lately? in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Yeah, this sort of thing is kind of what I'm getting at - like, I've kinda started to dissolve that 'you can't be reasoned with' boundary. I really think that boundary on Tildes is useless. On...

    Yeah, this sort of thing is kind of what I'm getting at - like, I've kinda started to dissolve that 'you can't be reasoned with' boundary. I really think that boundary on Tildes is useless.

    On Reddit it's a massive time saver, you can exchange two comments with anyone and pretty much know if they're conversing with you in good faith. On here, I think for the time being, I'm safe to assume everyone is commenting in good faith. If someone suggests that we help the women by helping the men, I can ask them about it.

    I can make them really think about and explain to me why they believe this, and, who knows, maybe they've got a point buried in there somewhere that would make more sense if it had been framed differently.

    7 votes
  4. Comment on The only man in the maternity ward in

    I think we as a society don't know how to handle second degree trauma, people going through a traumatic experience who are not the first degree - the person that the trauma is directly happening...

    I think we as a society don't know how to handle second degree trauma, people going through a traumatic experience who are not the first degree - the person that the trauma is directly happening to. The spouse of someone with cancer, the child of a dying parent, everything is about the first degree person, and everyone treats the second degree as some sort of entitled, unaffected bystander. It's insulting.

    We fail to recognize that yes, the trauma is directly happening to the second degree traumatized as well. You had a different perspective of it than your wife did, but you did go through the same trauma. You should have been allowed to handle it as you saw fit. I'm sorry they treated you as some unaffected bystander.

    Also, congratulations on a healthy baby boy!

    3 votes
  5. Comment on How is moderation going lately? in ~tildes

    I've found myself associating some unrelated opinions with Nazi-ism since being indoctrinated by the Reddit mob. Basically any time anyone falls on the side of 'well maybe immigration in the...

    I've found myself associating some unrelated opinions with Nazi-ism since being indoctrinated by the Reddit mob. Basically any time anyone falls on the side of 'well maybe immigration in the United States should be controlled in some way' I immediately peg them as a racist, because in the past that's usually been right.

    I've had to reel that in when browsing Tildes, and recognize that on this platform with less people it is actually possible to have a discussion about immigration without someone suggesting we just kill all the browns. It's been an adjustment for me, and still sometimes any time I see someone even slightly on that side of the fence about it I still go 'oh here we go'.

    I think the above might be what's happening to OP.

    17 votes
  6. Comment on The world’s oldest cat door has been letting working cats enter the cathedral since the 14th Century in ~design

    Our relationship with cats is so strange. Feared and hated at some times, welcomed inside as long as they work, in some cultures worshiped, and now mostly just force-cuddled and locked inside....

    Our relationship with cats is so strange. Feared and hated at some times, welcomed inside as long as they work, in some cultures worshiped, and now mostly just force-cuddled and locked inside.

    Some cats are able to domesticate themselves, but others... even when born into captivity they're still assholes. I wonder if they'll all ever fit quite right with us.

    9 votes
  7. Comment on What's your favorite episode from Avatar: The Last Airbender? in ~tv

    Link Parent
    That's what I thought for the longest time, but watching it again recently, it spans over the whole ocean in front of him at the end and there's nothing. No ships at all. He was only out there for...

    That's what I thought for the longest time, but watching it again recently, it spans over the whole ocean in front of him at the end and there's nothing. No ships at all. He was only out there for a few minutes, where did they all go if he didn't sink them?

    At the very end of the series he says that he's never taken a life, maybe he just recognizes that he wasn't in control - it was the ocean spirit, but I dunno. Where did those ships go.

  8. Comment on What's your favorite episode from Avatar: The Last Airbender? in ~tv

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    This one is my all time favorite. It's the first, and really, only time we get to see the true full power of the Avatar. He wiped out that entire fire nation fleet. The whole thing. They show him...

    This one is my all time favorite. It's the first, and really, only time we get to see the true full power of the Avatar.

    He wiped out that entire fire nation fleet. The whole thing. They show him going for it, and then minutes later, they show an empty sea. All those people, wiped out in minutes. Very sobering.

    I also really enjoy Koh. Push, and pull, life and death, good and evil. Yin, ... and Yang.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That's something I can almost see being subsidized by everyone's taxes, everyone benefits from having ways to prepare food at home, so the production and storage of recipe knowledge makes sense to...

    That's something I can almost see being subsidized by everyone's taxes, everyone benefits from having ways to prepare food at home, so the production and storage of recipe knowledge makes sense to subsidize like that.

    Programming websites don't though, not everyone uses them and benefits from them, so I'm kinda struggling to see how we could enforce subsidies for the production and storage of this information. Probably some kind of Wikipedia model? Non-for profit? Is having a giant Wikipedia of all programming information good for the health of the information or do we need lots of separate competing entities? Would software be more reliable if everyone was taught how to code in the same way and had access to exactly the same resource?

  10. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    People keep saying that, but really take a look at what computers did to us. One pre-programmed computer can do the job of an entire department of paper pushers. What are those paper pushers doing...

    People keep saying that, but really take a look at what computers did to us. One pre-programmed computer can do the job of an entire department of paper pushers. What are those paper pushers doing now? Working min wage service jobs.

    Technology is the reason why "the good jobs" are so difficult to get now, it's the reason why the middle class is sinking farther and farther into poverty. The people who own the technology are profiting off of it, and the people who's jobs the technology took are left out in the cold.

    It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't let Bangladesh make all of our textiles, but it would still be pretty bad.

  11. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    So, no. I still use Alien Blue on an old Iphone 4s and it works fine. I eventually get rate limited, but if I stop doom scrolling and come back a couple minutes later, it works. There have been no...

    So, no.

    I still use Alien Blue on an old Iphone 4s and it works fine. I eventually get rate limited, but if I stop doom scrolling and come back a couple minutes later, it works. There have been no negotiations between Reddit and Alien Blue, because Alien Blue no longer exists, it's an old, outdated, unsupported 3rd party Reddit app.

    The fastest way to get new content off Reddit is to call the API. If you have a working Reddit model, and you just want to update it, you call the API. If you're a ChatGPT bot and posting shitposts everywhere, you POST to the API. I really think the initial intention was to target these consumers, and not us.

    That being said - Spez is an absolute baffoon. He should have given existing third party apps preferred pricing and he did not. He knew that we were not a part of the issue, and he still did not. He's upset the very people who make his website something that people even want to scrape data from and influence, and that was a bad move, as always. What an idiot.

  12. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    Link Parent
    Yes! Exactly! Leaving out that there could have been an ACCIDENTAL laboratory escape actually left a wider hole for conspiracy theories than if they were to just say that they can't rule this out....

    Yes! Exactly! Leaving out that there could have been an ACCIDENTAL laboratory escape actually left a wider hole for conspiracy theories than if they were to just say that they can't rule this out. It was a massive mistake and its obviously still being sensationalized. I'm glad they're still trying to get to the truth, I hate that it takes longer than people just making shit up.

    The pangolins thing is wild, though, because they're from Africa. So they'd have to be transported and kept alive and then sold for them to be an intermediate host, and that's way more horrifying than my previous knowledge of the illegal pangolin trade.

  13. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've been using it the same way, it's really excellent in explaining how to do something complex, and I find that the code that it does generate are really amazing examples, better than I find in...

    I've been using it the same way, it's really excellent in explaining how to do something complex, and I find that the code that it does generate are really amazing examples, better than I find in any of the previously mentioned websites.

    It basically summarizes entire chapters of documentation, and provides better examples, all in one go. Multiple times now it's taken an issue that would have had me researching for days and turned it into a one day snag.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yeah, you really hit the nail on the head of what I was getting at here. It's not really about those sites in particular. The only solution I've come up with so far is forcing tech companies who...

    Yeah, you really hit the nail on the head of what I was getting at here. It's not really about those sites in particular.

    The only solution I've come up with so far is forcing tech companies who hire software developers to subsidize some of these programming help sites, like, some kind of recognition that the existence of these sites is actually fueling their progress.

    Right now everyone is kind of just passing the bucket down, everyone benefits from the existence of this knowledge, but no one wants to pay for it because it seems to just continue to exist without any financial support. I've learned that sites in crisis can fund raise pretty quickly ( but what if all of these separate entities all need funds at the same time? Will just absorb them? Then what? Where will new knowledge be posted?

    5 votes
  15. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    W3 hasn't done me wrong yet, but I could see how it might if you were asking it the best way to do something, rather than just how to do something.

    W3 hasn't done me wrong yet, but I could see how it might if you were asking it the best way to do something, rather than just how to do something.

  16. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Your description of code reminds me of "conserved genes" a name for genes within an entity's DNA that is highly conserved because it is important, think, like, the gene for how to make hemoglobin....

    Your description of code reminds me of "conserved genes" a name for genes within an entity's DNA that is highly conserved because it is important, think, like, the gene for how to make hemoglobin. We use the conservation of genes pretty often when determining evolutionary origin because typically when they change, it's for a good reason.

    Also, a doom loop is a little bit like cancer.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I find that it's really great for massive questions where it's hard to even figure out where to begin, the sort of thing that in the past I would bug a senior developer about. I'm asking it things...

    I find that it's really great for massive questions where it's hard to even figure out where to begin, the sort of thing that in the past I would bug a senior developer about.

    I'm asking it things like "In Python, what's the best way to implement a shared sessions object in a test suite with many classes and objects?"

    The answer it gave me was just phenomenal. It changed my whole world.

    (fixtures are the answer, btw, which I kind of knew, but fixtures are a hard concept to grasp and that's specifically what ChatGPT's answer helped with)

    9 votes
  18. The problem with ChatGPT is that all of these websites like W3Schools and TutorialsPoint will go bankrupt

    ChatGPT got all of its information from these websites, but these websites still use advertising to gain revenue. When a user asks ChatGPT a question, instead of going to the site, it's using the...

    ChatGPT got all of its information from these websites, but these websites still use advertising to gain revenue. When a user asks ChatGPT a question, instead of going to the site, it's using the information stored on the site without giving the site any revenue.

    That's why they're being sued. (Also why Reddit is doing what it's doing with the API)

    What do we do? How can we keep these sites alive, and still make use of ChatGPT? I can write code and solve problems days faster than I used to now, but it seems kind of morally bankrupt of me to use this service which is so clearly putting the foundations it was built on out of business.

    41 votes
  19. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    Link Parent
    The attitude in the article is that the scientists aren't sure that the strain in the public didn't come from the lab, and every time they uncover more evidence about where it did actually come...

    The attitude in the article is that the scientists aren't sure that the strain in the public didn't come from the lab, and every time they uncover more evidence about where it did actually come from (the pangolins?) it seems to point more and more towards coming from the lab.

    The meat of it is that Nature forced them to draw a heavy conclusion about where it came from before they were ready to, and now they're having to back up a bit on that because of the new evidence. Nature should not have stepped in and made them do that. It's not a conspiracy theory if it could be true, it's just a theory.

    They might have circumvented the entire "maybe a bioweapon" stuff if they had just admitted that it could have been an accident in the first place.

    4 votes
  20. Comment on Mining is getting a makeover. The industry believes that in order to be successful — and maximize profits — a company now needs a “social license to operate,” or moral permission to extract minerals. in ~enviro

    Article is about literally how mining for precious metals just became an insanely profitable endeavor since we currently do not have the capability to provide enough lithium, copper, magnesium,...

    Article is about literally how mining for precious metals just became an insanely profitable endeavor since we currently do not have the capability to provide enough lithium, copper, magnesium, etc to build the infrastructure to meet our climate goals.

    Many companies are investing in companies that mine lithium and those stock prices are soaring.

    Hopefully we’ll figure out how to mine in a climate friendly way before we go creating new problems.

    3 votes