SpruceWillis's recent activity

  1. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    I finished The Lies of Locke Lamora, I thoroughly enjoyed it actually, although I do have my gripes. Overall it's a super fun heist novel, great world building, cool characters, loads of great...

    I finished The Lies of Locke Lamora, I thoroughly enjoyed it actually, although I do have my gripes. Overall it's a super fun heist novel, great world building, cool characters, loads of great twists and turns and the Gentleman Bastards are great especially Locke himself.

    While I enjoyed some of the Interludes, a few of them happened at exciting moments and it sucked all the fun out to have to slow down and hear about how Locke became who he is. I also found it a bit long, I reckon that a number of pages, section and Interludes could be cut throughout the novel and the book wouldn't really lose anything.

    But I've added the 2nd book to my to-read list so it definitely left an impression.

    I then started and finished True Grit in 2 days, a record for me post becoming a father! What a fantastic novel though, it's just a great read start to finish, the character of Mattie Ross comes through so well via the text and Rooster and LeBeouf are really fun, verbally sparring with each other but got each others backs when it's important. Such a short book too, crazy how much is packed in to those pages!

    I'm currently reading Snow Crash at the moment, about 100 pages in so far, seems cool, Hiro Protagonist is such a great name! The last cyberpunk (can Snow Crash really be called cyberpunk, if anything it seems like a satire of cyberpunk, cyberpunk taken to its most absurdist extremes) novel I read was Neuromancer and I adored that book so I'm excited to dive into the genre again.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pitches mandatory national service at eighteen in ~news

    The death rattle of the Tory Government. Attempting to woo the elderly and Express/Daily Mail vote away from Reform by allowing them the opportunity to punish the young for no reason other than...

    The death rattle of the Tory Government. Attempting to woo the elderly and Express/Daily Mail vote away from Reform by allowing them the opportunity to punish the young for no reason other than the fact that they're young, with one minister wanting to get kids out of their "woke" bubbles. Thing is its likely it wouldn't involve people turning 18 now as they don't expect to introduce it in full until 2029 so the people that would be compelled by law to do this don't even have a choice in the matter.

    I'd have hated national service when I was 18. I'd just finished school and I wanted to focus on university studies where I worked most weekends part time to make money. If I suddenly had to become inactive educationally for a year by joining the military or significantly reducing the little money I made by volunteering one weekend a month I'd have been pissed. I also have a 2 year old now and I'd rather she didn't have to do this sort of bullshit either.

    We haven't had national service in the UK since 1962 or 1963 I believe and the military don't want it back, a number of ex-army chiefs have already said so. Our armed forces minister even said just a few days before this was announced that there were no plans to reintroduce national service "in any form" because it could "damage morale... motivation and discipline".

    Our army is small but highly trained and what they want is more funding not uncaring teenage volunteers who'll drain not only resources but morale. It's the same with our NHS, Fire, Police, and public services which are on their knees, since they've also been suggested as avenues for national service. Never mind the £2.5 billion the scheme would cost, money I'd rather see go into these services directly. I can only imagine how stressed these services will become if they have to manage young adults being forced to volunteer one weekend out of four.

    That's not to mention it's quite obviously been thrown at the wall with zero planning and as a way of creating free or incredibly cheap volunteer labour to do the jobs no one else wants to do. We've had ministers saying that they could pick fruit and vegetables as part of national service, that they might even have 15 and 16 year olds do it, that they won't rule out criminally prosecuting parents if their children (who are 18 years old and legally adults) decide they're not doing it, to even limiting jobs in the public sector or the civil service (which are already suffering from workforce issues and pressures) to those who complete national service. Wouldn't surprise me if they suggest removing the vote from those who don't complete it, I expect nothing less from the Nasty Party.

    If the Tories are that worried about our military they should be funding it properly and removing the army recruitment contract from Crapita where 70% of recruits give up on the recruitment process because it's so convoluted and takes months, sometimes up to a year to complete.

    Either way, it's not worth taking the time to imagine this at the moment because it's highly unlikely the Conservatives will be in power on 5th July. My main worry is that they go away after the election, and come back in 10-15 years when people are inevitably tired of Labour and introduce it then.

    Fuckin' Tories man, never trust a Tory.

    16 votes
  3. Comment on UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pitches mandatory national service at eighteen in ~news

    Link Parent
    Sorry, why is it a terrible idea? 16 year olds can do a ton of things in the UK such as join the military, or leave school for apprenticeships and jobs. These things can end up with 16 year olds...

    Sorry, why is it a terrible idea? 16 year olds can do a ton of things in the UK such as join the military, or leave school for apprenticeships and jobs. These things can end up with 16 year olds paying taxes but they still don't get to vote. The vote is also given to those 16+ in Scottish elections and it seems to have worked out fine.

    You've also got to remember that elections only happen once every 5 years, all going well of course. There's probably thousands of instances across the UK where young people find themselves turning 18 a couple of weeks or a month or two after an election takes place. By the time the next election rolls around they'd be nearly 23 years old, that's getting out of your early-20's, potentially building a business, career or a family before you even get the chance to vote in a national election! This reduction limits that potential scenario to nearly 21 years old instead.

    11 votes
  4. Comment on Lana Del Rey says her Bond theme was turned down in ~movies

    Link Parent
    I've always really like Radioheads Spectre but I'll never forgive them for not using KD Langs Surrender as the Tomorrow Never Dies intro theme, it's incredible. I don't even mind Sheryl Crows...

    I've always really like Radioheads Spectre but I'll never forgive them for not using KD Langs Surrender as the Tomorrow Never Dies intro theme, it's incredible. I don't even mind Sheryl Crows theme as well.

    10 votes
  5. Comment on UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announces a 4th July general election in ~news

    Link Parent
    "Starving the Beast" is a very common Tory tactic here as well. The Thatcher government did it with parts of British Rail in the 80's allowing John Major to privatise it in 1993. We're definitely...

    "Starving the Beast" is a very common Tory tactic here as well. The Thatcher government did it with parts of British Rail in the 80's allowing John Major to privatise it in 1993.

    We're definitely seeing the same happen to the NHS, large chunks of it sold to private companies who charge the NHS through the nose, real terms increases in funding which don't take account of changing demographics within the UK, stagnating wages driving some of our best doctors out of the country and our nurses to leave for other easier careers where they're paid more.

    The NHS needs significant reform and I don't believe the only answers are either full blown universal healthcare like we have or US style private healthcare, there's probably a healthy middle ground somewhere, although that'd be political suicide. There's definitely other recommendations for transformation that could be carried out to try and reduce spending in some areas but whether these would have the required impact when NHS spending is such a ginormous part of our governments budget is the question that needs answered.

    I really don't want to be in a position where I tell my daughter at some point in the future that we used to have free healthcare and that during the 90's and 00's when I was growing up, it was great.

    There's a video, although I'm struggling to find it, where Tony Blair is being grilled by members of an audience in the early 00's because when they're phoning their GP's to book appointments they're being told they can see them the same day and that because they're so efficient they're not booking people more than a couple of days ahead.

    I'd love if that was the case now, I've got an appointment with my GP today that I had to book over a week ago and I'd regard that as efficient now compared to some horror stories I've heard. I've got an appointment with my dentist to get fillings on a couple of teeth that was booked in February, the earliest appointment they could give me was July! I might have sleep apnea after I spoke to a doctor at our local hospital last October, I need to go in for overnight monitoring to confirm and I've been told it could be 2025 before I'm called in for this, it's crazy!

    7 votes
  6. Comment on UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announces a 4th July general election in ~news

    I'm up in Scotland so the Tories were already incredibly unpopular up here but I'm looking forward to seeing them, if opinion polls hold, get their arses handed to them. I understand that the...

    I'm up in Scotland so the Tories were already incredibly unpopular up here but I'm looking forward to seeing them, if opinion polls hold, get their arses handed to them. I understand that the projected seats kind of fall apart with the swings we've seen so it's unlikely we're going to see the Tories fall to third party status but it'll just be nice to have Labour in again and with a potentially huge majority.

    I've lurched from one disaster to the next ever since leaving high school in June 2008. Global financial crisis, Tory government for 14 years asset stripping the country, the NHS and public services beginning to collapse, Brexit, COVID, the war in Ukraine, cost of living crisis, recessions.

    It's just brutal and while I tend to vote SNP, or Scottish Greens, neither of those parties have filled me with confidence lately so if Labour come out with a strong manifesto they may get my vote but either way I'll be much happier with them in power than the Tories.

    I also work for the national auditor up here so it'll be interesting to see if our reporting gets any more positive year on year because as it stands at the moment every year our reporting gets more depressing.

    7 votes
  7. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    After finishing Barry which I absolutely adored (needs a bit more time but I think it'll settle into my Top 5 of all time list) I moved on to Shogun. I'm really liking it so far, currently half...

    After finishing Barry which I absolutely adored (needs a bit more time but I think it'll settle into my Top 5 of all time list) I moved on to Shogun. I'm really liking it so far, currently half way through the season and it looks gorgeous, the political intrigue, back stabbing and maneuvering is fantastic, and the actors are all just great in their roles.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Does anyone play Vintage Story? in ~games

    Okay, you've all sold me. I've downloaded it, just about to boot it up and start playing!

    Okay, you've all sold me. I've downloaded it, just about to boot it up and start playing!

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Spring gardening thread in ~hobbies

    I got my garden done late last year and got two really great roughly 3ftx8ft beds put in so I've got a ton of space to plant veggies this year. Gone for pretty standard stuff, carrots, broccoli,...

    I got my garden done late last year and got two really great roughly 3ftx8ft beds put in so I've got a ton of space to plant veggies this year. Gone for pretty standard stuff, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, onions, leeks. I've also got some tomatoes which have done well inside so I'll be moving those out in the next week or so.

    I'm also gonna try plant some pumpkins, never done it before so we'll see how we get on.

    Strawberries, rhubarb and raspberries are doing great as always, they're really thriving and my herb table is coming to life again.

    I did have a plastic tarp greenhouse but I lost it in the horrible storms we got here in Scotland a couple months back so I'm saving up for a proper one but that won't be until later this year in the autumn probably.

    1 vote
  10. Comment on Does anyone play Vintage Story? in ~games

    I haven't played it but I've just had a look at it, it seems really interesting! The crafting system sounds really cool, it gives me the same vibes I got from Minecraft when I first saw it back in...

    I haven't played it but I've just had a look at it, it seems really interesting! The crafting system sounds really cool, it gives me the same vibes I got from Minecraft when I first saw it back in mid-2010, that mystery and wonder.

    Definitely tempted to grab it, will keep an eye on whether anyone here has played it and what their thoughts are first.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    It's not a book, but the films Threads, The Day After, and When the Wind Blows deal with the run up to and aftermath of nuclear armageddon. They're all incredibly grim watching but Threads in...

    It's not a book, but the films Threads, The Day After, and When the Wind Blows deal with the run up to and aftermath of nuclear armageddon.

    They're all incredibly grim watching but Threads in particular stayed with me for some time afterwards. It's a very haunting film that just gets worse and worse as it progresses, truly horrendous stuff.

    2 votes
  12. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    I read the first book in The First Law trilogy a few months ago, it was very good! Abercrombie has such a fluid way of describing combat, very visual, and the characters are fantastic, especially...

    I read the first book in The First Law trilogy a few months ago, it was very good! Abercrombie has such a fluid way of describing combat, very visual, and the characters are fantastic, especially Inquisitor Glokta, I was always excited when I got to one of his chapters.

    I'm a slow reader though and the books are pretty long so I'm taking a break between the first and second book and reading a few shorter books.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Yeah the chemistry between Lucy and Max wasn't great. Agreed on Max's actor being wooden, I don't know what it was but it felt like he just had a confused look on his face 90% of the time he was...

    Yeah the chemistry between Lucy and Max wasn't great. Agreed on Max's actor being wooden, I don't know what it was but it felt like he just had a confused look on his face 90% of the time he was on screen.

    I liked Ella Purnell as Lucy, she was great fun but I had issues with her acting at points as well. The part that sticks out to me is when...


    The Ghoul cuts her finger off with a hunting knife. She doesn't react, like at all...

    I can understand a level of shock dulling the pain but outside of a look of mild shock she barely reacts to her finger being clean chopped off.

    Walton Goggins was great though, especially considering he had to play two parts, Cooper in pre-war America and The Ghoul in the Wasteland. I've heard he's awesome in Justified, which is another show on my list so if he plays a gunslinger in that then he'll have won me over already.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on How to end a level 20 D&D campaign with a bang in ~games.tabletop

    Congratulations, sounds like an epic campaign! I've not yet had one reach level 20, managed level 15, but not 20, currently working ot it though. Judt to make you aware, if you fancy doing it...

    Congratulations, sounds like an epic campaign! I've not yet had one reach level 20, managed level 15, but not 20, currently working ot it though.

    Judt to make you aware, if you fancy doing it again, there's a pretty great third party campaign that goes 1-20 called "Odyssey of the Dragonlords". It's written by a couple of the guys who wrote for Mass Effect, KOTOR and Dragon Age so there's a pedigree behind them. It's a super fun, Greek epic campaign set in a really cool Greco-Roman style world.

    The campaign itself is solid out the box but there's a great community on Discord who have tweaked it, added new sidequests, characters etc to really amp up the campaign and take it to the next level.

    1 vote
  15. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    I finished Mr Inbetween recently and can highly suggest it to anyone who is into crime shows revolving around a violent anti-hero. It's an Australian dark comedy-drama about a hitman. It's very...

    I finished Mr Inbetween recently and can highly suggest it to anyone who is into crime shows revolving around a violent anti-hero. It's an Australian dark comedy-drama about a hitman. It's very funny, even as a Brit with a passing knowledge of Australian culture, very violent and incredibly well acted.

    I then quickly worked my way through Fallout, really enjoyed it, I've got my issues with it (nothing to do with timelimes or canon nonsense, that doesn't bother me, even as a huge fan of the series). It's more that some of the dialogue is a little clunky and some of the acting isn't that great at points but a really great start, and I'm excited for season two.

    Now I'm working my way through Barry (another dark comedy-drama about a hitman, seem to have a thing for those at the moment). I'm loving it, since Saturday morning I've gotten through Seasons 1-3 and watched the first episode of season 4 on my lunch today. It's unbelievably good, might be one of my favourite shows ever and I've not even finished it, it's just incredible!

    4 votes
  16. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Yeah, the last interview I did for the secondment I just got was difficult, felt drained after it and now I've got to go through it again for a job I won't actually do for two years. Having the...

    Yeah, the last interview I did for the secondment I just got was difficult, felt drained after it and now I've got to go through it again for a job I won't actually do for two years.

    Having the security that I'm not gonna drop back to my old role and pay after the secondment is over will be good and it is nice to know the senior manager and director she spoke to think that highly of me that they've looked into sorting this for me.

    However, like you said, it's so stressful and putting myself through this again is just making me anxious. Thanks though, fingers crossed its not for nothing.

    1 vote
  17. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    I got an interview for a promotion at work. Normally I'd be happy but I'm very "meh" on it. Just last month I had an interview for a promotion at work, I prepped like crazy, aced it, and got the...

    I got an interview for a promotion at work. Normally I'd be happy but I'm very "meh" on it.

    Just last month I had an interview for a promotion at work, I prepped like crazy, aced it, and got the job. However, it's a 2-year secondment, so after the 2 years are up I'll end up back in my old role losing out on money in the process, which sucks.

    My senior manager was sad to see me leave the team I'm in, but she told me there were jobs coming up at the same pay grade as the secondment I've got. She even spoke to HR and one of the directors on my behalf and found out if I went for it and got the role I could do my secondment and then just take up the new role in two years time.

    When the role came up I almost felt like I had to go for it. It is a role I want don't get me wrong, but I'm burned out on interviews, especially since I went all out on the one I got. Either way, I applied and got an email today confirming that I've been offered an interview next Wednesday at 9am. It'll be competency based and I also have to give a 5-10 minute presentation.

    I genuinely have zero desire to do all this again, my weekend has disappeared under interview prep, and I just feel no drive to work on it but I'm gonna drag myself to do it anyway.

    Sounds stupid and it is, I should be happy, but in my head I can't get into it, I'm just done for the time being. I want to sit back and enjoy the work I put into getting my new role, instead it's like I'm being told I can't just take a moment to relax.

    Other than all that, it was my daughters 2nd birthday yesterday, we went to a safari park and she loved it seeing the lions, monkeys, tigers, rhino, and giraffe.

    6 votes
  18. Comment on Knocked Loose - Suffocate (ft. Poppy) (2024) in ~music

    Link Parent
    I hadn't heard it, thanks for letting me know, it's great. That riff is groovy and the breakdowns crazy, didn't realise Poppy had that in her.

    I hadn't heard it, thanks for letting me know, it's great. That riff is groovy and the breakdowns crazy, didn't realise Poppy had that in her.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Knocked Loose - Suffocate (ft. Poppy) (2024) in ~music

    That breakdown is wild! Knocked Loose are hitting it out the park, also nice to see Poppy's descent into heavier and heavier music.

    That breakdown is wild! Knocked Loose are hitting it out the park, also nice to see Poppy's descent into heavier and heavier music.

    5 votes
  20. Comment on What did you do this week (and weekend)? in ~talk

    Been going to my GP the past few weeks after my yearly blood pressure check a few weeks ago showed that my blood pressure was indeed quite high. After some monitoring and further check ups I was...

    Been going to my GP the past few weeks after my yearly blood pressure check a few weeks ago showed that my blood pressure was indeed quite high.

    After some monitoring and further check ups I was placed on a daily dose of 1.25mg of Ramipril last week. I had bloods taken yesterday to check that the Ramipril isn't damaging my kidneys and another blood pressure check which showed that while my BP has dropped a decent amount its not quite where the doctor wants it to be so my Ramipril dosage has been doubled and I've been placed on the waiting list for a 24hr ECG to make sure there isn't something wrong with my heart.

    It's worrying, especially at 33 years old, but I don't think there's anything wrong with my heart if I'm being honest. My mums side of the family has always had huge issues with blood pressure related diseases (with my own mum having suffered a stroke, that she survived, 6 years ago) so I reckon it's just dodgy genetics and the doctor just wanting to rule out any other conclusions.

    3 votes