Peartree's recent activity

  1. Comment on RIP 'Red vs. Blue.' Machinima is goneā€”but its legacy is everywhere in ~tv

    Machinima was going to die out, we just have better animation nowadays. But I'm genuinely sad to see RvB gone. I loved the earlier seasons and how lighthearted they were, and it sucks to see...

    Machinima was going to die out, we just have better animation nowadays. But I'm genuinely sad to see RvB gone. I loved the earlier seasons and how lighthearted they were, and it sucks to see something so nostalgic fading away like this (alongside Halo in its entirety). Even nowadays I still boot up Halo Custom Edition to get a feel of the OG Halo again every once in a while.

    Wishing luck for the creators and cast in their future endeavors. They've brought me lots of fun Sunday afternoons procrastinating while rewatching episodes.

    9 votes
  2. Comment on Swedish parliament passed a law Wednesday lowering the age required for people to legally change their gender from 18 to 16 in ~lgbt

    Feels nice to actually see some good news regarding this discussion. That being said, I hope it becomes easier to get gender affirming care at all within a reasonable time frame (especially for...

    Feels nice to actually see some good news regarding this discussion. That being said, I hope it becomes easier to get gender affirming care at all within a reasonable time frame (especially for someone constrained by time such as a teenager).

    13 votes
  3. Comment on Reddit is going to enforce rate-limiting the API's free tier as well as charging for higher rates in ~tech

    Considering how I still use Reddit (mainly for tech-related subreddits), not really sure if there's any reason for me to continue using it if the mobile apps I use, Infinity on Android and Slide...

    Considering how I still use Reddit (mainly for tech-related subreddits), not really sure if there's any reason for me to continue using it if the mobile apps I use, Infinity on Android and Slide on iOS, go down. Obviously the developers can't afford paying thousands or millions for API requests, and I can't imagine many users would be willing to pay for their own API keys if it is an option. Unfortunately, only the vocal minority is going to continue supporting these apps with subscriptions or paying for API keys themselves, and that probably won't be enough.

    I'll hold out some hope that Reddit will lower the prices to something realistic for the developers to pay, but I don't expect for that day to come unless they do it for PR reasons. Furthermore, I really hope this isn't setting a precedent for them eventually shutting down old reddit.

    2 votes
  4. Comment on What is a highly regarded/critically acclaimed movie that you do not like/understand the appeal? in ~movies

    Link Parent
    Avatar was always a quite middling movie for me, but its just aged badly over time as CGI quickly developed through the 2010s. All of these movies coming out with ridiculous CGI and an actually...

    Avatar was always a quite middling movie for me, but its just aged badly over time as CGI quickly developed through the 2010s. All of these movies coming out with ridiculous CGI and an actually good story made Avatar worse in hindsight. It was revolutionary at the time technically, but its comparatively a bad movie with the type of stuff we got just years after 2009 like the 2010s MCU movies. Dated CGI and a flawed story really don't hold up, and it barely did for me back then.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this month? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Recently began watching Samurai Champloo. Great story that focuses on some fairly interesting concepts spanning from samurai culture to hip-hop to cultural acceptance. It has its flaws here and...

    Recently began watching Samurai Champloo. Great story that focuses on some fairly interesting concepts spanning from samurai culture to hip-hop to cultural acceptance. It has its flaws here and there but the plot is overall rather simple and well done. The soundtrack is one of the highlights of the show, and the main reason I even found out about it was because one of my favorite producers, Nujabes, made music for the series (you should check out his discography if you would like to hear a more lo-fi version of hip-hop). It also has some similarities to Cowboy Bebop due to them having the same director, which can be noticed as the series goes on. Pretty fun show that has kept me hooked for a while now.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Been playing a lot of Skate 3 lately. Fairly dated game nowadays but iconic games always manage to hold up. The joystick controls, goofy ragdoll physics, and game modes just make the game...

    Been playing a lot of Skate 3 lately. Fairly dated game nowadays but iconic games always manage to hold up. The joystick controls, goofy ragdoll physics, and game modes just make the game hilarious and so much fun to play. EA, their recent shortcomings aside, implemented parts of skateboarding culture into the game through the setting, characters you can interact with, and challenges really well. I've been playing it with a friend also recently, and we've had a blast just playing random competitions against each other. It also just gives me a nostalgic feeling since I have some memories of playing it on a friend's PS3 several years ago. There has been a really good skate game that has recently appeared, Session Skate Sim, but I'll always be playing this game.

    2 votes