NPC's recent activity

  1. Comment on Will Microsoft want to introduce a subscription fee to their Windows OS in the future? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I've been a pretty hardcore PC gamer for decades, and I feel like I've had to put up with a LOT from Windows, more and more so with every OS generation that passes. But if they did this, it would...

    I've been a pretty hardcore PC gamer for decades, and I feel like I've had to put up with a LOT from Windows, more and more so with every OS generation that passes. But if they did this, it would be the last straw. I've already been experimenting with converting some spare gaming laptops in our house to Linux ever since I got my Steam Deck and realized just how far that OS has come in that theater. And I've been very, very satisfied with how these converted laptops have held up as Linux gaming machines, each gaining significant performance boosts after nuking Windows.

    Heck. Who knows. Maybe I'll just go ahead and do it anyway. I'm really, really tired of every dang piece of software turning into yet another completely unnecessary subscription service.

    21 votes
  2. Comment on I ate the Subway Footlong Cookie so you don’t have to in ~food

    Look y'all, I ain't gonna lie, I really like Subway's cookies, especially when they're fresh baked. And yeah, I may be boring, but my favorite cookie of all time is - as the author so dismissively...

    Look y'all, I ain't gonna lie, I really like Subway's cookies, especially when they're fresh baked. And yeah, I may be boring, but my favorite cookie of all time is - as the author so dismissively states - "just chocolate chip."

    So for me, I read all of this, I laugh at all of the hyperbole, but this is the part that sticks with me:

    They have my $5

    Wait, that's only 5 bucks? Given how much Subway's cookies cost, 5 bucks for a whole frickin' foot of chocolate chip cookie? Count me IN!

    I know the author meant this as a slam piece. It had the opposite effect on me. Hell yeah.

    35 votes
  3. Comment on ASUS demonstrates a pattern of scammy, questionably-legal practices to deny customer RMAs in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I acquired a launch era Steam Deck, and love it. But I'm also something of a gaming gadget collector, and considered getting the Ally to compare. But someone else either on here or reddit made a...

    I acquired a launch era Steam Deck, and love it. But I'm also something of a gaming gadget collector, and considered getting the Ally to compare. But someone else either on here or reddit made a comment that really hit home for me. It was in regards to which company would likely be more supportive post-purchase: the software company that wants to keep you buying more games to play on its Steam Deck, or the hardware company that just wants to sell more devices and has no incentive to support you beyond that? Asus's software support has always been terrible, why would this be any different?

    As someone who has bought multiple Asus gaming laptops, for better or worse, I knew this situation all too well and decided to skip the Ally entirely.

    18 votes
  4. Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s combat is sloppy and unrefined — on purpose in ~games

    Link Parent
    Agreed completely. What's most telling here is that there are a large number of gripes that players have about the game, all of which could fill a review like this, and yet the reviewer didn't...

    Agreed completely.

    What's most telling here is that there are a large number of gripes that players have about the game, all of which could fill a review like this, and yet the reviewer didn't even really glance over them, instead inventing problems that the game doesn't even have. It's like they couldn't even be bothered to spend an hour skimming a forum to learn of the many, valid, and sometimes egregiously awful complaints that actual players have before writing about it.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s combat is sloppy and unrefined — on purpose in ~games

    Link Parent
    In both games I still find myself returning to under-leveled Pawns for that very reason. I know how they will behave, and that means more to me than some stat numbers.

    I specifically remember keeping on hiring the same rogue pawn simply because he had just the right AI even though there were others of much higher level available.

    In both games I still find myself returning to under-leveled Pawns for that very reason. I know how they will behave, and that means more to me than some stat numbers.

  6. Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s combat is sloppy and unrefined — on purpose in ~games

    Link Parent
    It's worth clarifying that Dodge wasn't re-moved, just moved. I had to just now load up DDDA to confirm, but just like in DD2, the only class with an actual Dodge mechanic are the thief variants...

    For example, it looks like the standard dodge mechanic really was removed and replaced with a more difficult alternative

    It's worth clarifying that Dodge wasn't re-moved, just moved. I had to just now load up DDDA to confirm, but just like in DD2, the only class with an actual Dodge mechanic are the thief variants (Strider/Ranger/Assassin/Magick Archer), and only when the daggers are equipped. In fact it's actually more complicated than in DD2 because in DDDA, the class-specific dodge ability is only available while holding in the "Primary Skills" trigger, while in DD2 it's just a single main button. Fighters, Warriors, Mages, and the other hybrids don't have a dodge in the original game, and still don't in DD2.

    That said, almost every class aside from Mage and Sorcerer has a special movement power which can function exactly like a dodge when used with that intention, from the fighter's Burst Strike to the spearhand's "Seching Storm."

    I do really like the Pawn inclinations and commands in DD2. They were complicated and pretty arcane behind the scenes in DDDA, and I don't miss having to conserve my commands for fear of changing their behaviour.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on Dragon’s Dogma 2’s combat is sloppy and unrefined — on purpose in ~games

    I read this whole article and just don't relate at all to the author's description of the game. It reads like they are actually saying "I am just really bad at this game" without actually wanting...

    I read this whole article and just don't relate at all to the author's description of the game. It reads like they are actually saying "I am just really bad at this game" without actually wanting to admit it. I'm a tad over 100 hours in myself, and while the game does have a good many issues, combat ain't one of them. It's smooth and I daresay elegant. There are "slapstick" moments at the very beginning when you're learning how to play the game, but even getting passably decent with your basic skills should get you past that point pretty quickly.

    Above all, FromSoftware’s Dark Souls series and Elden Ring have driven the trend toward refinement in combat design; these are RPGs in which players live or die by the care with which they watch enemies’ tells and the precision with which they time their attacks.

    ...which is exactly how both DD2 and its predecessor work, too.

    Did the author actually play the game for more than a couple of hours?

    13 votes
  8. Comment on Do you have any game sub-genres that you have a name for, but aren't big enough to be "official" sub-genres? in ~games

    Link Parent
    Just a note here, Age of Conan is the MMO. There are three different Conan games from Funcom now, only one of which is a MMO (AoC). Conan Exiles is a survival game that can be played either fully...

    Conan Exiles (an MMO)

    Just a note here, Age of Conan is the MMO. There are three different Conan games from Funcom now, only one of which is a MMO (AoC). Conan Exiles is a survival game that can be played either fully single-player or on dedicated servers of up to ~30 players (average maximums), but usually ends up more like a dozen. The highest player limit I think I've seen is 64.

    Source: I play all three (including Conan Chop Chop which is silly hack and slash fun).

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Fallout | Official trailer in ~tv

    Link Parent
    We're in the same boat, neighbor. F3 is in my top 5, and F4 in my top 10. I think I have time for another jaunt through both before this launches!

    We're in the same boat, neighbor. F3 is in my top 5, and F4 in my top 10. I think I have time for another jaunt through both before this launches!

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Horizon Forbidden West Complete Edition PC specifications revealed, out March 21 in ~games

    Excellent, looks like I'm gonna have a good time running this one. I'm pretty excited!

    Excellent, looks like I'm gonna have a good time running this one. I'm pretty excited!

    4 votes
  11. Comment on Squishmallows vs. Build-A-Bear, the cutest legal scuffle ever, is heating up in ~finance

    Link Parent
    Our house is full of both Squishables and Squishmallows. Each has their appeal. The Squishables have a lot more substance to them, and return to their basic round shape pretty easily. They're...

    Our house is full of both Squishables and Squishmallows. Each has their appeal. The Squishables have a lot more substance to them, and return to their basic round shape pretty easily. They're great for leaning against, propping my legs up on, or setting a book on top of while reading.

    The Squishmallows are, amusingly, actually the more squish-able product. They are significantly more squishy, lacking the greater substance of the former product. They're great for surrounding yourself with and just getting snuggly.

    6 votes
  12. Comment on Have you tried Fossil scm, an alternative to git? in ~comp

    I'm deep into Git, but only use it for personal projects, and am always open to trying new things. Main question though, is there a Fossil-based free alternative to GitHub? That's the deal-maker...

    I'm deep into Git, but only use it for personal projects, and am always open to trying new things. Main question though, is there a Fossil-based free alternative to GitHub? That's the deal-maker for me.

    2 votes
  13. Comment on US stores increasingly reverse course on self checkout in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The reduction or removal of self-checkout would coincide with a reduction or removal of my continuing to be a customer at that grocery store. Every store in my area is appallingly awful, and the...

    The reduction or removal of self-checkout would coincide with a reduction or removal of my continuing to be a customer at that grocery store. Every store in my area is appallingly awful, and the self-checkouts are the only tolerable way to get in and out and spend as little time as possible in the presence of a store full of generally terrible people.

    5 votes
  14. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Some of the weird stuff in S3 was initially off-putting, but it really does all come together quite wonderfully in the end.

    Some of the weird stuff in S3 was initially off-putting, but it really does all come together quite wonderfully in the end.

    8 votes
  15. Comment on State of EVs in Fall 2023? in ~transport

    Link Parent
    I would love to swap out my bike for an electric, and I'm in the same boat: this is waaaaay too expensive for me to even consider it currently.

    I would love to swap out my bike for an electric, and I'm in the same boat: this is waaaaay too expensive for me to even consider it currently.

    4 votes
  16. Comment on Ahsoka doesn't really work in ~tv

    Link Parent
    I am not the person you responded to, but this one fascinates me, because the vast majority of the show's complaints in this thread seem to be the opposite of what you are saying - i.e. that the...

    but all of the negative points you make are only valid to someone that is invested in either the EU books or the Filoni cartoons, which I honestly feel is a small portion of the shows viewers.

    I am not the person you responded to, but this one fascinates me, because the vast majority of the show's complaints in this thread seem to be the opposite of what you are saying - i.e. that the show is really only written to be appreciated and understood by people who already saw the previous cartoons. Unless I misunderstood your references, which is entirely a possibility.

    3 votes
  17. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    And I love pencils more than fountain pens, and feel they are just far less of a hassle and mess. To each their own. But saying that one is a "higher quality replacement" just because you prefer...

    And I love pencils more than fountain pens, and feel they are just far less of a hassle and mess. To each their own. But saying that one is a "higher quality replacement" just because you prefer the feel doesn't really come across the same as saying "I love fountain pens"

    2 votes
  18. Comment on Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I have a ten yer MBP myself gathering dust, and I'd love to see if I can get it running on something newer. Any tips or a guide on the best way to go about this as someone who is normally not...

    I have a ten yer MBP myself gathering dust, and I'd love to see if I can get it running on something newer. Any tips or a guide on the best way to go about this as someone who is normally not super mac-savvy?

  19. Comment on Modern controls are needlessly convoluted in ~games

    Link Parent
    I have used the G13 for ages and only finally had to come to grips with its aged limitations. I recently upgraded to an Azeron Cyborg + the ReWASD software, and while the learning curve has been...

    I have used the G13 for ages and only finally had to come to grips with its aged limitations. I recently upgraded to an Azeron Cyborg + the ReWASD software, and while the learning curve has been steep, it's been liberating how much more option I have for configuration.

    1 vote
  20. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~movies

    Link Parent
    While I enjoyed the film (mainly because I love Ryan Reynolds), I felt someone else put it best: "Deadpool is the 'i can haz cheezburger' meme made into a comic character." I think that more or...

    Interesting perspective on Deadpool. From what I understood, the movie was very true to the source material. I thought the first movie was hilarious, later ones much less so.

    While I enjoyed the film (mainly because I love Ryan Reynolds), I felt someone else put it best: "Deadpool is the 'i can haz cheezburger' meme made into a comic character." I think that more or less encapsulates why on the whole I just don't really vibe with the character. That said, as far as the character itself goes, I think the movie was a brilliant translation of it to the screen.

    8 votes