Jambo's recent activity

  1. Comment on Mini split confusion (efficiency and sizing) in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    I may have to get my buddy chatgpt involved to get it filled out right but I'll definitely do this, thanks!

    I may have to get my buddy chatgpt involved to get it filled out right but I'll definitely do this, thanks!

  2. Comment on Mini split confusion (efficiency and sizing) in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    Haha West is my hometown so I've got some family recipes but I can't ever get them to come out quite like grandmas. You need about 2 truckloads of butter and sugar to get close :) funny that...

    Haha West is my hometown so I've got some family recipes but I can't ever get them to come out quite like grandmas. You need about 2 truckloads of butter and sugar to get close :) funny that Colorado is one of our "if we ever get outta here" spots, even had our honeymoon there.

    Thanks for the info! I'll definitely look into these.

    1 vote
  3. Comment on Mini split confusion (efficiency and sizing) in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    Only like 200 bucks ... I think I'm going to go for the bigger unit, hopefully I don't kill the compressor within the first couple years

    Only like 200 bucks ... I think I'm going to go for the bigger unit, hopefully I don't kill the compressor within the first couple years

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Mini split confusion (efficiency and sizing) in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    You're escaping?? Take me with you! :P I got people in West who can send us kolaches in the mail, no worries there Thanks for the links - I don't know how I missed those but that confirms my...

    Hello fellow (for the time being) Texan!

    You're escaping?? Take me with you! :P I got people in West who can send us kolaches in the mail, no worries there

    Thanks for the links - I don't know how I missed those but that confirms my decision to stay with the cheaper unit as I don't think the cost savings will materialize before the inevitable demise of the compressor or some logic board.

    I would say we open it sometimes.... not a lot but when we are bringing material in or if I have to sweep/blow dust out of the shop it's easier if I just open the big door and pull out the leaf blower. I think that'll happen less when I get this unit and some other things handled (like actually setting up my dust collector). I have never heard of these curtains before but I see a couple on amazon... very intriguing. I'm kind of wondering now if I can find one that seals all the way around the door, the ones I've seen have weights at the bottom but don't seal and part of my issue right now is bug intrusion (spiders mostly, which I'm honestly fine with because they eat flying bugs and I don't like flying bugs, but they're getting too numerous and obnoxious now, putting webs where they don't belong) so having a full seal around that door would be awesome for that too.

    I'm still on the fence whether I should be going for the 24k unit or the 18k.... I think I'm still convinced to go 24k but I'm ultimately undecided because on one hand, if it's undersized it will cycle properly but it won't fill the task I need it to, which is to make the shop space comfortable to be in so that I will actually go out and work in there, but on the other if I overprovision it will short cycle and the compressor will be getting it's angel wings a lot faster than it otherwise would. If they made a 21k I'd have probably already bought one (and I know other manus have them, maybe I should keep looking but the senvilles are on sale and I have a 100 dollar off coupon too)

    Nice pun at the end.


    1 vote
  5. Comment on Mini split confusion (efficiency and sizing) in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    Thanks - I'll definitely look into that, that's a good idea to research like this. I can understand if we hit record highs that it may be uncomfortable but if that's a 1% of the time type of...

    Thanks - I'll definitely look into that, that's a good idea to research like this. I can understand if we hit record highs that it may be uncomfortable but if that's a 1% of the time type of thing, I just won't work in the shop those days or work in the mornings. Still, I would definitely like to have a unit that can keep up.

    Yes, we do have dust collection but as you are probably well aware that doesn't catch it all. I'm planning on making a plenum like Jay Bates did for his mini splits, which should leave me well enough off but I'll definitely have it on a schedule to check/clean.

    3 votes
  6. Mini split confusion (efficiency and sizing)

    I'm right on the edge of buying a mini split for our shop space and I'm having a bout of indecisiveness. To preface, we are located in south/central Texas. The shop is a standalone structure, is...

    I'm right on the edge of buying a mini split for our shop space and I'm having a bout of indecisiveness.

    To preface, we are located in south/central Texas. The shop is a standalone structure, is fairly well insulated but has a 2-car garage door and a single-pane window, so it isn't ideal. It's 625sqft with 9 foot ceilings. We have various tools that will be in use but nothing that creates excessive heat.

    We are quite limited in funds so I'm not going with an HVAC company, nor am I going with a mr cool or other diy friendly unit due to cost. I'm capable to do the install myself, I'm not overly concerned about that.

    I was originally looking at the 18k (1.5ton) senville leto. I ran various calculators and they all suggested this size would be enough up to 1000sqft or so. However, since I have 9 ft ceilings and I live in a hot climate and I have the big door and crappy window, the calculations pushed my 625sqft up to around 900 or so equivalent sqft in some cases and in others as high as 1200.

    Due to my circumstances, I think I've convinced myself to move up to the 24k unit instead. I don't think it's too over provisioned for my specific scenario but I would like to hear your thoughts on how off the mark I am here.

    Apart from size, there's also the question of efficiency. The other model I was looking at is the Aura by senville, and the difference is a higher seer2 rating and energy star certification.

    Now, doing rough math, the difference in efficiency would be paid off by the savings of the more efficient unit in something like 8 or 9 years based on projected usage and my energy costs. I'm a pessimistic person and don't expect this unit to last 8-10 years. This is a cheap way to get the space comfortable to work in so that my side business can progress, and I would think if it's still going in that amount of time, I'll be able to afford a nicer unit by then.

    However, after saying all that, I do notice that the capabilities of the Aura unit are greater. It is advertised to work in -20f weather while the leto works in as low as 5f.

    Now, being in Texas, my primary concern is cooling, not heating, but no where can I find if the Aura system is more capable in hotter weather like it is in colder weather. This is slightly concerning because it seems most people use these primarily as heat sources and secondarily as cooling sources, and my situation is reversed.

    Does anyone have any input as to whether the higher efficiency system will make a noticable difference in cooling performance when it's 110f outside?

    Thanks for weathering my wall of text.

    14 votes
  7. Comment on Honest Question: What benefits can I hope to achieve by switching from jquery to react? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I guess our webs are too boring to see the benefits. We have a lot of business logic and the front ends are typically CRUD, sprinkling in validation and modals and very little in the way of...

    I guess our webs are too boring to see the benefits. We have a lot of business logic and the front ends are typically CRUD, sprinkling in validation and modals and very little in the way of dynamic controls like a site like Google docs or Outlook 365 or something crazy like that. Most of our heavy lifting is all server side.

    Still, it makes me wonder if the demand for things like react are overblown, a lot of jobs I look for are for similar roles that I currently have and from what they're describing they do, it seems like they wouldn't be benefiting from using angular or react over just using razor pages or blazor etc.

    8 votes
  8. Comment on Honest Question: What benefits can I hope to achieve by switching from jquery to react? in ~comp

    I'm interested to hear what others have to say. I'm in a similar boat at work, we use .net core mvc pattern and jQuery/vanilla js to manipulate dom, handle ajax, etc. We use lots of razor syntax...

    I'm interested to hear what others have to say. I'm in a similar boat at work, we use .net core mvc pattern and jQuery/vanilla js to manipulate dom, handle ajax, etc. We use lots of razor syntax and generally get along quite well with this toolkit, but I've been watching job listings for a while now and I definitely feel like I'm putting myself in a hole by staying with how we currently do things.

    The thing is though that react/angular/whatever just doesn't seem to have upsides compared to how I handle things in my projects. Our projects aren't rapidly changing in a way which would require backend or frontend overhauls independent of each other so the API pattern just doesn't have an upside for us that I can tell.

    I'd love to be swayed, I don't want to stop learning but I'm not going to overcomplicate things for the sake of it.

    4 votes
  9. Comment on GPT-4o in ~tech

    Link Parent
    They should be more upfront with the 'try it now' links but at the bottom of the page they describe their plans, pasting here for anyone interested:

    They should be more upfront with the 'try it now' links but at the bottom of the page they describe their plans, pasting here for anyone interested:

    GPT-4o is our latest step in pushing the boundaries of deep learning, this time in the direction of practical usability. We spent a lot of effort over the last two years working on efficiency improvements at every layer of the stack. As a first fruit of this research, we’re able to make a GPT-4 level model available much more broadly. GPT-4o’s capabilities will be rolled out iteratively (with extended red team access starting today).

    GPT-4o’s text and image capabilities are starting to roll out today in ChatGPT. We are making GPT-4o available in the free tier, and to Plus users with up to 5x higher message limits. We'll roll out a new version of Voice Mode with GPT-4o in alpha within ChatGPT Plus in the coming weeks.

    Developers can also now access GPT-4o in the API as a text and vision model. GPT-4o is 2x faster, half the price, and has 5x higher rate limits compared to GPT-4 Turbo. We plan to launch support for GPT-4o's new audio and video capabilities to a small group of trusted partners in the API in the coming weeks.

    9 votes
  10. Comment on Setting up a pen-turning workshop for my son — need advice! in ~hobbies

    Regarding the lathe, I think the cheaper one is fine for starting out for a few reasons: Both are "variable speed", it's just that one requires you to move a belt to a different pulley position...

    Regarding the lathe, I think the cheaper one is fine for starting out for a few reasons:

    1. Both are "variable speed", it's just that one requires you to move a belt to a different pulley position and the other is a dial. Finer control with the dial and easier to do on the fly, but the cheaper one will do just fine.
    2. If he really gets into it, he's going to want to upgrade to a nicer unit with more features, better toolrest, better chuck, etc. If he doesn't get into it and uses it less over time, the total investment cost is less so it's not a big deal. So in either case I think it's safer to start with the cheaper unit.

    Regarding chisels, carbide is nice because you don't need to sharpen them but imo that's a skill he probably needs to have in general if he gets into more woodworking later on. Also you can't get things like bowl gouges in carbide and you can get a lot of tear out with carbide tools depending on the wood and grain direction because all carbide tools have a flat cutting face. Admittedly, my perspective is from very limited bowl lathing, I've never done pens.

    The only accessories that immediately come to mind are a face shield (even small pen parts can hurt if they fly off the lathe and smack you in the head) and a good stool if the lathe will be used in a sitting position. Also rockler makes a pen turning starter kit that has all the little parts you need to make 3 pens, including wood blanks. Could be a good idea to get started.

    Edit: this is a nice write up, this guy uses just 2 gouges, worth the read imo

    9 votes
  11. Comment on ‘Escape From Tarkov’ fans are outraged at new $250 pay-to-win edition in ~games

    I've been waiting ages for a pve coop mode, but I won't be upgrading my pack. I hope they make amends and allow the EoD pack permanent access to the mode, they aren't getting a dime more from me...

    I've been waiting ages for a pve coop mode, but I won't be upgrading my pack. I hope they make amends and allow the EoD pack permanent access to the mode, they aren't getting a dime more from me regardless.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on How did you decide on a daycare for your small child/children? in ~life

    My wife used to work for daycare centers and at one point wanted to open her own spot, so I asked her to weigh in - here's what she sent me:

    My wife used to work for daycare centers and at one point wanted to open her own spot, so I asked her to weigh in - here's what she sent me:

    I think it is like all businesses and it takes time for people to reach out and want to use your services. You are a new home child care place and it is going to take time for people to trust you. Word of mouth is huge. So I would suggest you start with friends, church/community members, the other spouse's coworkers and then go from there. Only work with family if they understand that it is a business and you are not there to give them free or even heavily discounted childcare.
    Don't lower your prices too much because it will look like you are desperate. I would ask around what others are paying for similar childcare in your area and stick with that price so you don't end up undercutting yourself. Make sure you list CPR, first aid certified (parents want to know they can trust you with the lives of their kids especially when the worst happens)

    13 votes
  13. Comment on Have my ear for a day in ~music

    Are spotify links ok?

    Are spotify links ok?

  14. Comment on Anyone know what these LEDs in the center of my ceiling track lights are? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    Good find, looking in the manual for this fixture, they say: So it's just accent lighting, nothing more. OP, maybe you only noticed them on with one light out because they are relatively dim, but...

    Good find, looking in the manual for this fixture, they say:

    Included 7 blue LED accents and 3 GU10 shielded bulbs.

    So it's just accent lighting, nothing more. OP, maybe you only noticed them on with one light out because they are relatively dim, but have in fact been on the whole time?

    6 votes
  15. Comment on What is the "bible" of your hobby or activity? in ~hobbies

    Does it have to be in book form? I'm a wannabe hobbyist woodworker (hi @markpelly !) living vicariously through YouTube content creators, but I am slowly (excruciatingly so) building my shop and...

    Does it have to be in book form?

    I'm a wannabe hobbyist woodworker (hi @markpelly !) living vicariously through YouTube content creators, but I am slowly (excruciatingly so) building my shop and one thing I'm really interested in making sure I do well is dust collection.

    If you start looking into dust collection, you'll read the name Bill Pentz over and over. He's got great info and gives perspective on how underpowered most shop dust collection really is.


    4 votes
  16. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I feel bad about the community and the backlash behind the launch. Like, I get it, it's nearing day 6 and they're still having issues, and the core community is understanding, but it's sad to see...

    I feel bad about the community and the backlash behind the launch. Like, I get it, it's nearing day 6 and they're still having issues, and the core community is understanding, but it's sad to see all the terrible messages they're getting in discord and everywhere else. It's sad that they had to restrict their devs from the discord due to the extreme amount of negativity.

    To those people I would say the answer is simple: refund your game, go outside, touch some grass, enjoy some sunlight and come back and buy the game when it's stable. No need to lose your mind over a video game and threaten and harass these people.

    5 votes
  17. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Last Epoch currently has my attention. My youth was spent playing Diablo 2, I have 15k hours into Path of Exile, and have really been enjoying Last Epoch. I won't speak on the server issues...

    Last Epoch currently has my attention. My youth was spent playing Diablo 2, I have 15k hours into Path of Exile, and have really been enjoying Last Epoch. I won't speak on the server issues because those will pass.

    Their social hub needs work, you have to connect your steam account to your LE account but it doesn't integrate your friends list so you have to manually invite everyone to be friends again, except the friend add is only 1 way, so your friend also has to manually add you back, instead of accepting an invite or something similar. No guild/clan functions. Since it isn't crucial to the game, I am not going to score this to protect the overall grading curve, but if I were to score social systems it would be like a 2 or 3.

    Combat/Skills - 7.5/10
    Combat feels pretty good and fluid, I haven't yet played a build where I thought "man this is clunky" because they give you enough tools to mitigate that type of thing. I think it's a little "floaty" but the impact is good and I enjoy it so far. I wish there was a default dash or dodge roll, but most classes have some kind of travel skill so it's whatever.

    Skills feel nice but I wish you weren't so penalized for respeccing points, I know they quickly level up but I'd rather have some kind of currency or system that I could build up respec points instead of gimping the build entirely when you want to change up your build.

    Campaign - 6/10
    Story line, as someone who has played through the campaign 4 or 5 times, is probably fine lore-wise and it's a cool idea but it's just flat out confusing. With D2 and PoE, I know if I'm in act 2 or 5 or whatever. In Last Epoch, I have no idea what's going on. I'm just kind of following the gold quest marker and hoping I am doing it right. Maybe I'll get used to it but for the moment I'm not a fan of the travel map or the overall way the campaign works.

    Endgame - 6/10
    I think they have amazing roots and foundation, they just need time to add content. Current end game is very 1 dimensional.

    Crafting - 8/10
    I'm really enjoying the crafting, though it is also fairly sparse in terms of systems and mechanics. I think once they get a few cycles under their belt, their crafting system is going to the moon.

    Trade - 9/10
    Their trade factions are an amazing idea and I love what they're doing here. Great idea though it probably needs balancing cause CoF seems just insane to not take.

    Overall the game gets a 7.5/10 from me. Diablo 2, imo, is an 8 and PoE is a solid 9+, Diablo 4 is like a 5/10 at best, so it's doing extremely well for this being their first game. I am extremely excited for the future of LE.

    9 votes
  18. Comment on Why do you think that there isn't a male-led/focused feminist-style movement? in ~life.men

    Link Parent
    As far as media is concerned, I think it would probably exist if it were projected to be consumed but the market is probably not very profitable.

    As far as media is concerned, I think it would probably exist if it were projected to be consumed but the market is probably not very profitable.

    9 votes
  19. Comment on Why do you think that there isn't a male-led/focused feminist-style movement? in ~life.men

    I'm not really qualified to answer this as some dumbass from lower middle class america but from my own perspective as a 30something dude, I think a lot of it is possibly pride and the lack of...

    I'm not really qualified to answer this as some dumbass from lower middle class america but from my own perspective as a 30something dude, I think a lot of it is possibly pride and the lack of will for self-help. I even recognize this in myself and still don't see a therapist, don't see a doctor, don't ask for help, the only thing I ever ask for is time alone. I have watched countless videos about how we should all be talking out feelings and issues and whatever and I 100% agree, yet for some reason do not advocate for myself.

    I think it has to do with my pride and my realizing that at the end of the day my family needs to be fed and I am the one that has to do it. There is no one else. I can talk about it all I want but I start seeing how much worse other people have it and I feel guilty for even mentioning my issues out loud. I'm housed, I'm fed, I have a house and kids and a wife and a dog and I did all that, now I get to maintain it and that's on me, no matter how hard it is.

    Anyway that was probably poorly written and probably doesn't quite convey my take but the long and short of it is that even though I think men should advocate for themselves and seek help when they need it, it's probably somewhat the case that they don't think they need it yet.

    23 votes
  20. Comment on I'm looking for a project management tool similar to gantt but... different in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Wow, that is extremely generous of you, I hope I didn't take up too much of your time! I was definitely not expecting anyone would put something like this together, that is amazing to me. Thanks,...

    Wow, that is extremely generous of you, I hope I didn't take up too much of your time! I was definitely not expecting anyone would put something like this together, that is amazing to me.

    Thanks, I will give this a spin as soon as I'm back in the office!

    2 votes