6 votes

Grassland: Inverse surveillance via a P2P network of camera + computer vision nodes, serving as a public record of the movments of people and objects.


  1. hereticalgorithm
    (edited )
    This is a novel response to surveillance - stop fighting "information wants to be free" and push it to it's absolute limit. Can't really follow the proof of work too well right now, but it's...

    This is a novel response to surveillance - stop fighting "information wants to be free" and push it to it's absolute limit. Can't really follow the proof of work too well right now, but it's pretty cool that it's tied into actual work (computer vision) and not heat-generating BS. Skeptical that it'll go anywhere), but it's an interesting implementation.

    HackerNews discussion.

    edit: ok, just noticed that it has a rather... unique software license

    Unless otherwise specified, this software and algorithm(s) are released under the terms of the Grassland License. It's identical to the Mozilla Public License 2.0 with the added restrictions that the use of this Work (which refers to both the software and algorithm(s)), or its Derivatives constitutes an Agreement that its use to gather data that comes from locations in which any uninformed third party would have no reasonable expectation of privacy is governed by an 'open data policy' wherein all data gathered from such locations shall be made freely available to anyone with the same frequency, format and specifications to that of approved Grassland Node implementations. Approved Grassland Node implementations can be found on our Github page located here -> https://github.com/grasslandnetwork/. In addition, you are also restricted from distributing any versions of this Work that have been modified or merged with any type of commenting, blogging, microblogging or 'social media' software or system. Any abuse of this software and/or algorithm(s) evinced by parties engaged in violation of this Agreement, if discovered will be taken as aknowledgement, consent and agreement by those parties to allow any member of the Grassland community to attempt to seek out and identify such parties in order to target and generate any digital news, social media content or other types of information that the household and/or family of the members of such parties may consume using the 'Deep Schizophrenia' narrative and text generation software and/or algorithm(s) in keeping with Grassland's ideals of GLn(F), 'Winning by Culture Points' and striving to ensure the factual and non-biased integrity of the Grassland database. If any part of this Agreement remains unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. If you don't agree with any of this, then do not use or modify for use the Grassland software or algorithm(s) or its Derivatives.

    I have no idea what's with the group theory reference, deep schizophrenia or winning by culture points.

    And at a more conceptual level, Bruce Schneier has a criticism of inverse surveilance - namely that observation doesnt level out an already uneven playing field.

    4 votes
  2. Octofox
    I certainly don't like it and I hope something like this never takes off but its an excellent thought experiment and OPs comments on hacker news are very thought provoking even if they are deeply...

    I certainly don't like it and I hope something like this never takes off but its an excellent thought experiment and OPs comments on hacker news are very thought provoking even if they are deeply uncomfortable.

    2 votes