67 votes

Taylor Swift managed to drive record-breaking numbers to voter registration website Vote.org after urging her 232 million followers on Instagram to take action


  1. [7]
    Sorry to be that guy but... The article doesn't say anything about their normal amount of traffic, but it's almost certainly not 0 users, which makes the headline technically false. It also...

    Sorry to be that guy but...

    Vote.org’s communication director, Nick Morrow, announced that “our site was averaging 13,000 users every 30 minutes”

    The article doesn't say anything about their normal amount of traffic, but it's almost certainly not 0 users, which makes the headline technically false. It also doesn't say how many users actually registered to vote, so it's questionable what the actual impact was.

    Good on Taylor for even trying though. If there's one thing young people hate more than the status quo, it's taking even the smallest action to actually change anything.

    38 votes
    1. [4]
      Link Parent
      I assume you are trying to be humorous with your put down of "young people" but I think it's a strong over-generalisation and applies just as well to many older people.

      I assume you are trying to be humorous with your put down of "young people" but I think it's a strong over-generalisation and applies just as well to many older people.

      22 votes
      1. [2]
        Link Parent
        I believe he is referring to the age 18-24 voter turnout and he is absolutely correct. Historically (and currently) the turnout for them has always been abysmal. If Taylor Swift can get that group...

        I believe he is referring to the age 18-24 voter turnout and he is absolutely correct. Historically (and currently) the turnout for them has always been abysmal. If Taylor Swift can get that group to start voting, that can only be seen as a good thing. They stand to be affected the most; or at least the longest anyway.

        29 votes
      2. Xenophanes
        Link Parent
        That is correct. I employed a very common and well-documented rhetorical technique called hyperbole. I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids who are...

        That is correct. I employed a very common and well-documented rhetorical technique called hyperbole. I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling kids who are statistically unlikely to participate in government.

        6 votes
    2. [2]
      Link Parent
      Thanks. I appreciate it. I took the headline directly from the article and you are correct. It is wrong.

      Thanks. I appreciate it. I took the headline directly from the article and you are correct. It is wrong.

      8 votes
      1. mycketforvirrad
        Link Parent
        Changed the title to the first sentence from the article to avoid the ambiguity.

        Changed the title to the first sentence from the article to avoid the ambiguity.

        5 votes
  2. raze2012
    Good to get that many people ready for 2024. I hope they follow through afterwards (though, more states will mail you the ballot so that can help). Certainly going to be an intersesting campaign...

    Good to get that many people ready for 2024. I hope they follow through afterwards (though, more states will mail you the ballot so that can help).

    Certainly going to be an intersesting campaign next year. 2022 was very fierce as is for a midterm, can't imagine what a presidential election will ensue.

    3 votes
  3. raccoona_nongrata
    Swiffers gone save democracy

    Swiffers gone save democracy

    4 votes