phlyingpenguin's recent activity

  1. Comment on 3D printing - A beginner's observations and some practical applications in ~creative

    I've got an Ender3 S1 at home, and a Prusa Mk3 S+ at work. I'm a university comp-sci instructor, so the work machine is available to students, but also a tool in one of my courses that's sort of a...

    I've got an Ender3 S1 at home, and a Prusa Mk3 S+ at work. I'm a university comp-sci instructor, so the work machine is available to students, but also a tool in one of my courses that's sort of a freshman potpourri for computer science to get them interested. I've got a nice intro to printing slide deck that they get on the second day of class.

    An aside: I tend to push students away from Bambu. I know a lot of folks are happy right now with them, but their marketing tactics and social media pushes are just plain gross. No shade to folks that have bought them and are happy, but there are a lot more choices out there!

    1. If you have a 3D printer, how deep in the rabbit hole are you? Are you making your own CAD files?

    Yes. My Ender is probably not reasonably considered an ender anymore. The work machine is augmented with a print server to make it accessible to students (and "control" access, even though they could certainly shove an SD card in). I use a mix of OpenSCAD and Fusion 360. I tend to find that any object I really want to customize probably needs to be in OpenSCAD, as Fusion's step-by-step building process tends to lead to messy models. My original models are all on Printables.

    1. What’s your favorite print? If you don’t own a printer, what’s a cool 3D print that stands out in your mind?

    Like OP, I'm a "see a need, fill a need" kind of person. My prints are mostly utilitarian. Daily-use wise, I use my pill sorter the most. If you were to enter my house, you'd probably find a 3D print doing some job in every room. I'm particularly happy with my shaving caddy.

    1. What’s a problem in your life where you think you could 3D print a solution?

    The first thing I was after was actually a car part. I didn't know about the limitations of PLA at the time, so those parts are long gone. I needed the stopper that the brake and clutch sensors hit for my car. It's a Honda S2000, and a lot of the plastic is starting to degrade after 17 years. I ended up buying some but the print got the car started again. I still use a PETG stopper for the brake since it's both easier to replace, and I had a hell of a time getting the official part squeezed into the hole.

    I've done a lot since then though. Shelf pins, little cups to stop my wife's wheeled tables at work from wandering around, pistachio bowls, mouse risers for ergonomics, laptop stands, PS5 feet, a soap/sponge caddy for the kitchen sink, and the list will just keep going on.

    I have calipers at the ready and any time something annoys me, you'll find me taking measurements and disappearing to CAD for a while.

    1 vote
  2. Comment on What AI tools are you actually using? in ~tech

    I generally do not want something speaking on my behalf, so they do not get used much. Occasionally it's convenient to generate an image instead of looking through stock images. The only other...

    I generally do not want something speaking on my behalf, so they do not get used much. Occasionally it's convenient to generate an image instead of looking through stock images. The only other thing I've seriously used it for is as a "template" for a particular item that I intend to replace 100% of the contents. I generate assignments for my CS students this way. It would be just as effective to use some other assignment as a starter.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on How do you keep your home smelling nice? in ~life.home_improvement

    Link Parent
    Seconded. Cat Genie is great. The one downside: their plastic pellets will end up being everywhere.

    Seconded. Cat Genie is great. The one downside: their plastic pellets will end up being everywhere.

  4. Comment on Blogging recommendations? in ~tech

    Free: Best is probably github Cheap as heck: for $20/yr with a ton of other useful services Either way: Do not use any service without also getting a domain. They're cheap, and they'll...

    Free: Best is probably github
    Cheap as heck: for $20/yr with a ton of other useful services

    Either way: Do not use any service without also getting a domain. They're cheap, and they'll future-proof your online life.

    12 votes
  5. Comment on Experiences with low FODMAP diets in ~food

    What I can say is that my wife did it to figure out what her trigger foods are. It is not a good idea to go on as a permanent solution, but something to eliminate the potential problems and then...

    What I can say is that my wife did it to figure out what her trigger foods are. It is not a good idea to go on as a permanent solution, but something to eliminate the potential problems and then figure out what does and doesn't work by slowing adding foods back in one by one. The diet itself is hell, but you can surmise that by the vast number of things that it restricts.

    All that said, it did work for her in finding what causes problems. She figured out she has particular problems with apples, and a few other already known items. Now, she mostly eats a normal diet but keeps away from a few of the trigger foods. Some things can be a bit surprising. Most "fruit juices" in the US are primarily apple, particularly if they are "100% juice", for example. I'm sure it's no revelation that trigger foods hide in all kinds of packaged items.

    15 votes
  6. Comment on What are you 3D printing now? What setup do you have? What issues are you running into? in ~hobbies

    Link Parent
    Yeah. I think it's interesting to hear how it sort of plugs in at all levels too. Even at the university freshmen level, I doubt more than one or two will have done it in the past. We'll also be...

    Yeah. I think it's interesting to hear how it sort of plugs in at all levels too. Even at the university freshmen level, I doubt more than one or two will have done it in the past. We'll also be able to go a little deeper and do parametric modeling. But in the end, it's all the same hook.

    1 vote
  7. Comment on What are you 3D printing now? What setup do you have? What issues are you running into? in ~hobbies

    Ender 3 S1. I mostly do organization and wall mounts. My garage shop tool wall is incredible. Coming in the fall, I’ll be using a Prusa in a course that is more or less an encouragement for...

    Ender 3 S1. I mostly do organization and wall mounts. My garage shop tool wall is incredible.

    Coming in the fall, I’ll be using a Prusa in a course that is more or less an encouragement for college freshmen in computer science.

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    It truly is very hard. You nicely highlight one of the particular challenges here in that we certainly can't cater to everybody. Thanks for the thoughts. I'm not sure if much automation is going...

    It truly is very hard. You nicely highlight one of the particular challenges here in that we certainly can't cater to everybody. Thanks for the thoughts. I'm not sure if much automation is going to hit with the demographic since they barely can operate their own computers at this level, but there may be some adjacent ideas there.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Automation is certainly a good hook for already technically competent people, but these won't be. One of the surprises in education is how many entering students can do things that only give the...

    Automation is certainly a good hook for already technically competent people, but these won't be. One of the surprises in education is how many entering students can do things that only give the illusion of being technically competent. I keep being told about (local) kindergarteners using Scratch and high school students learning Python, but have yet to encounter an group that retained any of it. Conversations about automation work very well with students in later courses and less well in the early ones.

    But on top of that, I can't scaffold a thing that makes each individual student annoyed, and anything these students do will require quite a lot of scaffolding. I could see doing some kind of API slurping as the webtech section of the course, but would have to find an example that caters to everybody. That could be something along the lines of price tracking or home automation via API.

    I 100% agree with both replies that games aren't a thing that quite everybody cares about. They are something that can grant instant gratification, and that's more of the point here.

    3 votes
  10. Comment on Likely the last Mod post that I'll make in /r/videos. We're shutting down in ~tech

    The idea has been floated to turn r/mead into a notebook fan reddit and disallow alcohol discussions. I kind of like it, but I don't intend to be very active on moderation going forward.

    The idea has been floated to turn r/mead into a notebook fan reddit and disallow alcohol discussions. I kind of like it, but I don't intend to be very active on moderation going forward.

    7 votes
  11. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Not sure if it totally counts as a technical project, but I'm designing a gentle introduction to computer science course at my university. The idea is to give students a 2 credit (small course)...

    Not sure if it totally counts as a technical project, but I'm designing a gentle introduction to computer science course at my university. The idea is to give students a 2 credit (small course) gentle introduction to a few topics that are likely to get them excited enough to do the hard work. It will consist of some pre-made projects that they just have to take over the finish line to feel a sense of accomplishment.

    Right now, I'm definitely doing about a third of the course on 3D printing using OpenSCAD as the "computer science" part. My thought there is that they will exit the course with a physical object, which will be hard to forget. I have a Prusa printer all set to go so that they can print out whatever creations they make. The only trouble I'm coming to is what specifications I need to make to ensure that their objects are both possible and interesting. I don't expect to get into very complicated geometry using OpenSCAD and don't want to allow Fusion/etc because that defeats the programming aspect.

    After that, it'll be a game and likely some sort of website. I haven't nailed down the game libraries or genres, but I think I'll give a side scroller starter and make an RPG starter. They can do whatever as long as new logic gets added. Not 100% sure what for the website yet, but still probably pretty basic.

    I'd be interested to hear ideas for such a course. What would get you interested in CS if you were a stone cold beginner?

    10 votes
  12. Comment on What's your not-D&D RPG, and why? in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    Really like the idea of Numenera. I remember checking out the demo by Monte Cook when Torment was releasing and feeling impressed.

    Really like the idea of Numenera. I remember checking out the demo by Monte Cook when Torment was releasing and feeling impressed.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on An AI generated version of Seinfeld is running on Twitch non-stop in ~comp

    Link Parent
    As a counterpoint to that, I had it on all day yesterday on very low volume. It was great background visual/noise for work. If I wanted a distraction, I could easily watch a little of it and get a...

    As a counterpoint to that, I had it on all day yesterday on very low volume. It was great background visual/noise for work. If I wanted a distraction, I could easily watch a little of it and get a few giggles out of how badly it does or doesn't make sense and go back to what I was doing. I've never been a "background TV" kind of person, but I sort of get it if it's something easy to ignore like this.

    5 votes
  14. Comment on ‘Avatar’ rerelease king of the world with $31M global bow in ~movies

    There are a lot of big numbers here, but they all seem to be global. And divided by 50, not that big. I remember seeing the original twice, but also that the second time was completely lackluster....

    There are a lot of big numbers here, but they all seem to be global. And divided by 50, not that big. I remember seeing the original twice, but also that the second time was completely lackluster. Do audiences really have any interest n this? I know I don't. I can't even remember what it's about at this point other than some white dudes infiltrating a native culture.

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Reddit CEO Steve Huffman discusses how he wants every subreddit to be its own media company and he wants to see money being exchanged from users to users and users to subreddits in ~tech

    Link Parent
    That makes me feel a little better. I only counted active for my 5 mods. The actual list is a bit longer, but I likely won't remove any of them anytime soon having done a cleanup not too long ago....

    That makes me feel a little better. I only counted active for my 5 mods. The actual list is a bit longer, but I likely won't remove any of them anytime soon having done a cleanup not too long ago. I'm #1 so I mostly just make those decisions and let the others do the actual work these days.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Reddit CEO Steve Huffman discusses how he wants every subreddit to be its own media company and he wants to see money being exchanged from users to users and users to subreddits in ~tech

    Link Parent
    One mod for 400k? That seems... not great? Is the sub actually active or are these dead subscriptions? I've got 5 for ~160k and still need a pretty active automod to get the job done. Even our...

    One mod for 400k? That seems... not great? Is the sub actually active or are these dead subscriptions? I've got 5 for ~160k and still need a pretty active automod to get the job done. Even our group tends to be pretty hands off. I can't imagine how hands off one has to be.

    4 votes
  17. Comment on Seasonal beverages in ~food

    Summer: Tepache, fermented pineapple. Highly recommended with a habanero in the ferment and excellent with a shot of bourbon when served. Yeah, I know...

    Summer: Tepache, fermented pineapple.

    Highly recommended with a habanero in the ferment and excellent with a shot of bourbon when served. Yeah, I know it seems like tequilla would be the right choice, but bourbon is excellent in it. And of course it's quite excellent without booze too.

    3 votes
  18. Comment on Reply All is officially dead. What to listen to now? in ~misc

    Loremen: Two blokes discussing and making fun of lesser-known local legends and rating their job with an arbitrary scoring system. They try to stay away from the kinds of big-name stories you've...

    Loremen: Two blokes discussing and making fun of lesser-known local legends and rating their job with an arbitrary scoring system. They try to stay away from the kinds of big-name stories you've probably heard before.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on Paywalls everywhere you go? Get to the goodies with these two Paywall Ladder bookmarklets. in ~tech

    I'm a fan of, personally. They've got a bookmarklet around to make it "easy" on any browser without need of an extension.

    I'm a fan of, personally. They've got a bookmarklet around to make it "easy" on any browser without need of an extension.

    3 votes
  20. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I haven’t, this is the first order I’ve done there. I’m impressed, but probably don’t personally have much use for an assembly service since I’d only ever be doing one-off things.

    I haven’t, this is the first order I’ve done there. I’m impressed, but probably don’t personally have much use for an assembly service since I’d only ever be doing one-off things.

    1 vote