nmn's recent activity

  1. Comment on Welcome to the millennial midlife crisis in ~life

    This has to be the slowest news website I've seen in a long time. All for just some text and images, sigh.

    This has to be the slowest news website I've seen in a long time. All for just some text and images, sigh.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Can old, poorly wired electrical outlets cause a PC to freeze? in ~tech

    Wow, I've had very similar issues a year or two ago. "Poweroff" events in logs, and i couldn't ever replicate regardless of usage or timing. The issues went away after I took out and reset my RAM...

    Wow, I've had very similar issues a year or two ago.

    "Poweroff" events in logs, and i couldn't ever replicate regardless of usage or timing.

    The issues went away after I took out and reset my RAM sticks (maybe it was in a different slot this time, I don't remember) and haven't appeared again since then.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on What AI tools are you actually using? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Thanks for sharing Mancer, it looks like I could use that in an upcoming project.

    Thanks for sharing Mancer, it looks like I could use that in an upcoming project.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on How are you using Intermittent Reward? (and why you should think about trying it) in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Can you give some examples you've successfully used this for? I'm trying to apply this to programming. When I reach a stage I'm satisfied with i definitely need a break, I think I'll get quite...

    Can you give some examples you've successfully used this for?

    I'm trying to apply this to programming. When I reach a stage I'm satisfied with i definitely need a break, I think I'll get quite frustated if I'm not taking a break then and end up working poorly.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    When I saw only 3 posts, i thought it'll be a beginner blog. But I was immensely impressed by the depth of your latest post about MFAs. Then, I started to notice the interactivity and the fact...

    When I saw only 3 posts, i thought it'll be a beginner blog. But I was immensely impressed by the depth of your latest post about MFAs. Then, I started to notice the interactivity and the fact that you even made an authenticator inside the post?! (Nice ZomboCom reference too ;)

    Great work! How long does it take for you to complete one of the posts?

    2 votes
  6. Comment on What have you been listening to this week? in ~music

    I continue to obsessively listen to Alice Coltrane's Kirtan: Turiya Songs. The songs are indescribably beautiful. And Alice's story and the events that resulted in this album are highly...

    I continue to obsessively listen to Alice Coltrane's Kirtan: Turiya Songs.

    The songs are indescribably beautiful. And Alice's story and the events that resulted in this album are highly compelling.

    It's become my favorite album to listen to while programming.

    3 votes
  7. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    Fargo season 5 is amazing. Juno has acted so well, I didn't like her that much in Ted Lasso but she shines as Mrs. Lyon. (Minor Spoilers ahead) I loved the allegory of Lyon and Tiger (does that...

    Fargo season 5 is amazing. Juno has acted so well, I didn't like her that much in Ted Lasso but she shines as Mrs. Lyon.

    (Minor Spoilers ahead) I loved the allegory of Lyon and Tiger (does that make Dot a Liger?) And I'm digging the girl power in the most recent episode -- moreso because it has happened organically rather than forced (which a lot of recent media can be blamed for) and because they highlight each character's strength so well.

    7 votes
  8. Comment on If you came into a lot of money, what would be the indulgent thing you would buy? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    What's your reasoning for the first one?

    What's your reasoning for the first one?

    1 vote
  9. Comment on How do you journal? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Can you elaborate on what exactly is a future log? And why do you feel it's the best ROI?

    Can you elaborate on what exactly is a future log? And why do you feel it's the best ROI?

  10. Comment on What's on your Christmas lists, dads of Tildes? in ~life.men

    Link Parent
    Your comment is the first I've heard of silicone wedding bands. May I ask for what reasons are you inclined towards that versus a metal ring or band?

    Your comment is the first I've heard of silicone wedding bands. May I ask for what reasons are you inclined towards that versus a metal ring or band?

    2 votes
  11. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Wow, a 40 page document. I hope that it ends up being useful, in my experience people don't even read these properly. Why do you have to rebuild btw? Do they higher ups even understand how time...

    Wow, a 40 page document. I hope that it ends up being useful, in my experience people don't even read these properly.

    Why do you have to rebuild btw? Do they higher ups even understand how time consuming it might end up being?

    4 votes
  12. Comment on Whats a drug that you would never try? in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Great comment, I just had a question about one of the things you said -- how does opioid usage help the unhomed survive a winter's night better? Doesn't it make it more likely that they are unable...

    Great comment, I just had a question about one of the things you said -- how does opioid usage help the unhomed survive a winter's night better?

    Doesn't it make it more likely that they are unable notice their body temperature and thus increase their risk of death by hyptothermia?

  13. Comment on Keeping a commonplace book in ~creative

    I would like to offer a different perspective on daily journalling. My experiences are quite similar to yours, but also quite different. Well, of course, what one does day to day is basically...

    I would like to offer a different perspective on daily journalling. My experiences are quite similar to yours, but also quite different.

    It always devolves into a litany of banality

    Well, of course, what one does day to day is basically habitual and is often going to follow similar patterns every day! But journalling makes me appreciate the differences as they come -- maybe I went out to a new and interesting place, maybe I ate something delicious, maybe I made a PR in the gym, or perhaps I got an "aha" moment in my work or my hobbies -- isn't that worthwhile to record and know?

    and when I look back at it, invariably appears a bit cringy

    Who determines what is cringe and what is not? Whatever we experience on the day to day simply is. I feel the same way sometimes, perhaps because I'm comparing myself to the literary geniuses I read, but does it matter if my writing comes off as simplistic or cringey? Who's going to judge me anyway?

    The most crucial reason I journal is to keep a record of my days, and thus my life. The human brain forgets, even events that seem important in the moment are completely forgotten. Like my Google Photos memories bring me joy and remind me of experiences that I had completely forgotten, I expect my journal to be a tool for the same.

    One more thing I'm most interested in is the power of using LLMs to recall, summarise, and learn from my past experiences. I don't trust OpenAI with my journals, but I imagine in the near future I'll feed them to some local LLM and get great analyses of all the happenings in my life.

    I recently discovered my 2nd blog which I started when I was 12 years old. I'm excited to plug in all my posts into an LLM (when I get the time...) and chat with my 12 year old self. Wouldn't it be cool if I can do the same when I'm 60 and chat with self from my 20s, 30s, or 40s?

    2 votes
  14. Comment on TV Tuesdays Free Talk in ~tv

    Just started watching Arrested Development with my SO recently. It's too good with very witty writing, why haven't I heard of it more often?

    Just started watching Arrested Development with my SO recently. It's too good with very witty writing, why haven't I heard of it more often?

    9 votes
  15. Comment on What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Added to the watchlist, thanks for the recommendation Gary!

    Added to the watchlist, thanks for the recommendation Gary!

  16. Comment on Do you have or know of fun domain names? Do you think it's worth having them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Yes I feel quite lucky :') i realised the potential after seeing goo.gl for the nth time and going "wait a minute..."

    Yes I feel quite lucky :') i realised the potential after seeing goo.gl for the nth time and going "wait a minute..."

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Do you have or know of fun domain names? Do you think it's worth having them? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I associate most of my forum usernames with my real identity, like on hn, reddit, and tildes. I use an alt account for sensitive uses. I assume most people do the same?

    I associate most of my forum usernames with my real identity, like on hn, reddit, and tildes. I use an alt account for sensitive uses. I assume most people do the same?

    6 votes
  18. Comment on Do you have or know of fun domain names? Do you think it's worth having them? in ~tech

    I'm proud to own https://nmn.gl/, which is basically my name and surname with all the vowel (and the letter "y") removed. I love the fact that I have a domain that's just 5 characters.

    I'm proud to own https://nmn.gl/, which is basically my name and surname with all the vowel (and the letter "y") removed. I love the fact that I have a domain that's just 5 characters.

    2 votes
  19. Comment on What are you reading these days? in ~books

    Link Parent
    Are they about similar topics like Siddhartha? And would you say they're better than it?

    Are they about similar topics like Siddhartha? And would you say they're better than it?