karim's recent activity

  1. Comment on Privacy woes and autonomy, where do I go now? in ~tech

    Return to Monke™ Try to reduce your usage of modern technologies, sacrifice convenience for peace of mind. That's what I try to do these days. When I buy a TV (large monitor for living room) you...

    Return to Monke™

    Try to reduce your usage of modern technologies, sacrifice convenience for peace of mind. That's what I try to do these days.

    When I buy a TV (large monitor for living room) you bet it's gonna be a dumb one, despite being a whole lot more expensive. Of course, that's assuming I can find one. Second best choice will be a smart tv that allows me to stay completely disconnected, i.e. non of that samsung trash.

    8 votes
  2. Comment on Thoughts on the current state of discoverability and search in ~tech

    Check out https://search.marginalia.nu/ which is a search engine that does probably exactly what you want.

    Check out https://search.marginalia.nu/ which is a search engine that does probably exactly what you want.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on "twitter.com" is now officially dead in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I always read "Xitter" as "Shitter", which is quite apt.

    I always read "Xitter" as "Shitter", which is quite apt.

    44 votes
  4. Comment on How are you dealing with inflation regarding everyday enjoyment? in ~life

    Link Parent
    Did you take into account gas prices? I would guess increased fuel usage would offset the cheaper groceries gains.

    I used to drive to multiple grocery store

    Did you take into account gas prices? I would guess increased fuel usage would offset the cheaper groceries gains.

    1 vote
  5. Comment on Utah cat found safe in California after sneaking into Amazon return box in ~life.pets

    Happy to see aome happy news. The world has far too much negative news.

    Happy to see aome happy news. The world has far too much negative news.

    3 votes
  6. Comment on US to require automatic emergency braking on new vehicles in five years in ~transport

    Link Parent
    Cars are a luxury, and they should treated as the luxury they are. As soon as society really internalizes this, we'll be able to improve our quality of life substantially. By recognizing they are...

    Cars are a luxury, and they should treated as the luxury they are. As soon as society really internalizes this, we'll be able to improve our quality of life substantially.

    By recognizing they are a luxury, I mean Governments zhould do a lot more to discourage car ownership and usage, and encourage public transit usage, e.g. by making functional, humane transit systems (so no 30 years old busses and trains)

    7 votes
  7. Comment on Instagram's Nudify [non-consensual fake nude photo generator] ads in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Ninja edit: with regards to your final point, I generally agree with you I'll bet my neck and arms it'll be the opposite. It'll be souch worse. These things will be a mental health nightmare. A...

    Ninja edit: with regards to your final point, I generally agree with you

    health benefits with regard to lowering stress

    I'll bet my neck and arms it'll be the opposite.

    but can be addicting for depressed people.

    It'll be souch worse.

    These things will be a mental health nightmare. A large part of our mental health issues comes from isolation, and even though we can trick our brains to thinking we are connecting with people, deep down on our subconscious and body know we aren't connecting.

    Justifications for my conclusion:

    • Instant messaging didn't make feel connected, a lot of people around me (anecdotal, I know) feel lonely Even if they spent rhe ebtire day messaging.

    • Same goes for phone calls and video calls

    We need touch, we need another person's touch to feel connected. We are not our brains; our brains are just one part of us. We are still our arms, legs, chests, and fingers. We need to smell other people, see them, hear the, touch them, and live with them. That's what we evolved to do, and we can't trick millions of years of evolution in the span of 2 generatios.

    I believe that the majority of humans currently live in habitats not suited for human beings. We live in concrete jungles, surrouned by Constant noise from traffic, horrible air quality due to cars, and an extreme lack of greenery/plant life. Our foods are increasingly more processd and "fake", and filled with too much sugar.

    Technology is advancing far too quickly for our brains, and we have barely begun to grasp the drawbacks of these technologocal advancements. To make things worse, ad-serving corpos want these techs to be more than tools, they want our entire lives to revolve around them. Imagine a city square filled with ad-billboards, but now everywhere on our lives, and at every moment.

    Boy that was a long rant.

    I believe our tools need to remain that: tools. The convenience of modern tech is just that: a convenience. They aren't necessary for happiness and fulfillment. We have always been happy before tech, and we can remain happy without it.

    8 votes
  8. Comment on Rooftop solar panels are flooding California’s grid. That’s a problem. in ~enviro

    Someone please enlighten me: Why cut down incentives for rooftop solar, instead of selling that excess energy elsewhere? e.g. to another state.

    Someone please enlighten me: Why cut down incentives for rooftop solar, instead of selling that excess energy elsewhere? e.g. to another state.

    5 votes
  9. Comment on New evidence found for Planet 9 in ~space

    Link Parent
    This is the process for finding the damn thing. IIRC, Neptune and Pluto where theorized to exist before we actually observed them. It's through these methods that we can hope to find such a dark,...

    This is the process for finding the damn thing. IIRC, Neptune and Pluto where theorized to exist before we actually observed them. It's through these methods that we can hope to find such a dark, far planet.

    6 votes
  10. Comment on FUTO is a Voice Input app for Android that respects user privacy in ~tech

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    In addition, you can make it the system voice app, so pressing the mic button in firefox will trigger FUTO.

    In addition, you can make it the system voice app, so pressing the mic button in firefox will trigger FUTO.

  11. Comment on FUTO is a Voice Input app for Android that respects user privacy in ~tech

    So I was looking for an app for voice input, Since there would be times when typing would be inconvenient, Such as when Walking outside, But I could never stomach using google's voicevoice...

    So I was looking for an app for voice input, Since there would be times when typing would be inconvenient, Such as when Walking outside, But I could never stomach using google's voicevoice assistant.

    I found FUTU short while ago, and it felt very polished. In fact, I wrote most of this comment using it.

    8 votes
  12. Comment on How do you organize your phone's home screens and apps? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Guilty as charged.

    Bottom row has the four usual suspects pinned: Dialer, SMS, browser (Firefox) and OpenCamera.

    Guilty as charged.

    1 vote
  13. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    And more than 4 days later I finally get to reply! You asked some really great questions, so I wanted to give them their fair share of thinking, and answer when I get to my laptop. Typing on...

    And more than 4 days later I finally get to reply! You asked some really great questions, so I wanted to give them their fair share of thinking, and answer when I get to my laptop. Typing on phones is a truly hellish experience, and today is the first time I interact with tildes using a desktop :D

    I would like to start with saying that in my theology, God is much much more grander and absolute than what I glean from your description. The universe itself is a creation. I will get to the "Why God?" question after I talk about the more important question imo "What is God?"

    Let's take a look at ourselves. I assume we both believe that we, humans, are conscious beings. We humans evidently create unconscious things, be they tools, machines, or even software. A spoon isn't conscious, yet it was created by humans, who are conscious beings. So the idea that God is a conscious being who created many unconscious beings is very much grounded in reality.

    In my Theology, Time and space are themselves a creation of God, God existed before them, and will exist after them, which is why it would be a logical error to assume that God has biological processes similar to those of ours, or that his thinking is constrained by the same laws of physics that he assigned to this universe. Therefore, what you said has merit:

    I struggle to think of a more unlikely thing to exist before existence than a being that gets angry, given that we know anger is only possible with electricity (needs stable physics) and hormones (needs physics to be so stable that chemistry is possible).

    Indeed, I agree with you. Such a being is very unlikely to exists. It's illogical for a being that is limited by its creation to exists before he created said creation. This is almost akin to saying God created him self, which is illogical. God being "created" implies that at some point, he didn't exist, which is limiting. A limited being is not worthy of being God, and not worthy of being worshiped, and indeed, seems wholly incapable of creating creation.

    That's why I believe God always Was, is, and will Be. God was not created, He Was. Do you get it? me neither, since God is truly is beyond our understanding. My theology is centered around observing just how much God is infinitely beyond my understanding. Knowing just how inferior I am humbles me, and makes me a good person.

    A tangent, "the more hostile the Universe is to being and existence" I disagree with this sentence :) From my PoV, the universe is very much accommodating to our existence. All the Supernovae, Gamma Ray Bursts, Blackhole mergers and start mergers, and all those spectacular spectacles, all of thsoe are merely a process by which we came to exists. Therefore, the Universe promotes existence in a limited way such that different Inter-galactic species won't attempt eradicate each other Stellaris-style :D

    Now, back to the initial question: Why God. Well, I don't claim to have come up with "God". I have come to learn of the idea of God through messengers, messengers who were contacted by God to spread his messages.

    Now, who's to say that those messengers are sane? real? right? etc... Those messengers could Fictional, they could've been mad, they could've been lying, etc... Each of these is a rabbit hole all on its own, and I've explored each until I've believed that indeed they have existed, and their messages make too much sense to be false.

    Why even explore whether God exists? well, either God exists or he doesn't. If he exists, I want to have done my due diligence, so that my afterlife isn't a miserable one. If God doesn't exist, my death will be end and I'll have lost nothing. So Why God? because believing in God is essentially a winning move in every way. This idea is called Pascal's Wager

    In a nutshell, Pascal posits

    Either God exists or He doesn't. Either I believe in God or I don't. Of the four possibilities, only one is to my disadvantage. To avoid that possibility, I believe in God.

    So, why God? because the only logical safe choice is to believe in God. It's the only 0 risk action to take.

    If you've read this far, then I want to give you my thanks :) I enjoyed replying, and your question was good.

    1 vote
  14. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    EXACTLY! I follow the scientific method with regards to these question and theories. Indeed, even some of our most rigorous theories breakdown in some circumstances, e.g. Einstein's General...

    If gods fall because of mere questions imposed, I'd say they're weak gods

    EXACTLY! I follow the scientific method with regards to these question and theories. Indeed, even some of our most rigorous theories breakdown in some circumstances, e.g. Einstein's General Relativity breaks down at singularities, such as those at the center of a blackhole or the one at the beginning of the universe. Similarly, Quantum Field Theory breaks down when it comes to gravity. However, we keep using those theories because they explain so much.

    They offer the most correct explanations of many things, and no other theories come remotely close. These theories were tested to hell and back. We still try to test Einstien's theories whenever possible, the most recent test being gravitational waves. The way it goes in the scientific community is that, if you want to throw away an existing theory, you must provide another theory that's just as testable and satisfies the many many many experiments that previous theories endured.

    You start working on a new test to prove your theory?

    And that is one of the things people working on String Theory working on. One of the problems with String theory is that there no tests to validate it, compared to QFT and GR. over the centuries, there were many models for the atom, and when some tests proved a model false, scientists developed a new model, culminating with QFT.

    I mirror this with the matter of God, only unlike with hard science, the tests are philosophical in nature, and I will never be able to prove the existence of God, though that doesn't contradict with my absolute belief that he exists.

    An example: Let's assume for a moment that I believe God resides in the sky. This implies that God resides in a specific volume of space, therefore, God is limited by space. This contradicts with the notion that God is absolute, and is beyond the constraints of space that I believe he created, therefore this is false, and God encompasses everything, and is everywhere. Does the idea that God is beyond space contradict with anything else in my theology? if the answer is no, this means it's a more correct way of thinking.

    BTW I'm enjoying this little discussion :) This is the first time I got to put my theology in writing.

  15. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    Nope, not interested in convincing anyone in this thread of anything. I'm mainly interested in gathering more questions and viewpoints for my own. Your post was interesting, so I eas interested in...

    Nope, not interested in convincing anyone in this thread of anything. I'm mainly interested in gathering more questions and viewpoints for my own. Your post was interesting, so I eas interested in your opinion.

    And your response os super interesting. I'm genuinely surprised to learn that what I wrote is similar to, if not the same as, rhetoric you've already seen; considering they every thing I wrote is in large part original thought that came as a result of rejecting the modern state of religions, and trying to find God myself. As a result this opinion you provided was valuable to me.

    That said, I'm a whole lot younger than 30 yo. I don't doubt my faith, so you could say I'm interested in debate, because I want to think about answers to more and more stuff. I'm really interested on the philosophic aspect of religion on general. To me, these questions everyone asks are like the tests by which I solidify my theory. If a test proves my theory false, I'll start working on a new one.

  16. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    But who's to say that this is nasty and brutish? The yellow jacket did not feel malice, only acted to satiate its need for sustenance. The butterfly doesn't care, only existing to existence of its...

    a butterfly being stung to death by yellow jackets

    But who's to say that this is nasty and brutish? The yellow jacket did not feel malice, only acted to satiate its need for sustenance. The butterfly doesn't care, only existing to existence of its species. In this dance of life, there is no evil, no malice, as such concepts only arise when one has a mind to conceptualize them.

    In this balanced dance of life, how does this yellow jacket killing the butterfly to preserve the balance of the ecosystem, different from a killer T cell killing another of your cells to preserve the balance of your body?

  17. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    C) There was that which had no cause, and caused the universe to exist. That, to me, is God. I reach this conclusion by process of elimination. Eliminating everything that conflicts with my Axiom.

    or it had a cause, which then must necessarily have had a cause.

    If you have an option c that gets around that, I'm all ears

    C) There was that which had no cause, and caused the universe to exist. That, to me, is God. I reach this conclusion by process of elimination. Eliminating everything that conflicts with my Axiom.

  18. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

  19. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~talk

    Link Parent
    Because I think, therefore know I am. I express my ideas, and speak to this astroid, yet it doesn't reply, it doesn't acknowledge my existence, so it's different from me, it does not think, thus I...

    Because I think, therefore know I am. I express my ideas, and speak to this astroid, yet it doesn't reply, it doesn't acknowledge my existence, so it's different from me, it does not think, thus I may have a purpose even though it does not.

    But, if this astroid could think, who's to say it's not pondering its purpose in this grand universe? Could it be that it tries to speak with us, yet we don't reply to it, not acknowledge its existence in a way it understands?