ecchi's recent activity

  1. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (May 2024) — Version 1.0 is out for iOS! in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    Thanks for the answer! I don’t want to delete my account, I like to have one! I was just curious how you handled that compliance because I know that Google requires to provide a link to a webpage...

    Thanks for the answer! I don’t want to delete my account, I like to have one!

    I was just curious how you handled that compliance because I know that Google requires to provide a link to a webpage where users can request account deletion and without that link it is even possible to submit the app for review. I’m about to publish an app on behalf of a client and we basically just created such a page to satisfy Google as well as an in-app form to pass apple review.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Three Cheers for Tildes: App updates and feedback (May 2024) — Version 1.0 is out for iOS! in ~tildes

    Great job on the app and congratulations on the release of the iOS app! I wonder if you had to do anything special to pass the right to delete account compliance on both stores?

    Great job on the app and congratulations on the release of the iOS app!

    I wonder if you had to do anything special to pass the right to delete account compliance on both stores?

  3. Comment on How can I completely and permanently remove the ability to access the internet from a Debian derivative? in ~tech

    Link Parent
    The problem is that it can be enabled again and he wants a solution that even he won’t be able to undo. Even if laptop is dismantled and wifi card removed, and ethernet port disabled physically or...

    The problem is that it can be enabled again and he wants a solution that even he won’t be able to undo. Even if laptop is dismantled and wifi card removed, and ethernet port disabled physically or broken, you could still get a USB to ethernet adapter and get that machine online. If someone really wants to get online, they will.

    I think there could be a way to get rid of network drivers in Linux somehow, so that neither ethernet or wifi works and no usb to ethernet adapters are recognized. Without an internet connection that could be a tricky problem to fix yourself.

    You could also ask someone else to set up a user on this Linux system for you that would not have Internet access. I think this could be done via iptables or something like that. They shouldn’t give up root access and you are done. But even with this solution you can boot from live USB and get online.

    7 votes
  4. Comment on What watch do you wear daily? in ~hobbies

    I was gifted a Chopard Mille Miglia classic sixteen years ago and that’s the only watch i worn until a few years ago after the rubber band got torn again. Wish it had a stainless steel band from...

    I was gifted a Chopard Mille Miglia classic sixteen years ago and that’s the only watch i worn until a few years ago after the rubber band got torn again. Wish it had a stainless steel band from the beginning and i can’t justify buying such a band now because the original costs a thousand or something like that, and I’m not even sure if it would fit the watch.

    For the past several years I’ve been wearing my second Apple Watch. Second because someone else broke the screen on my first one. I like it for the fact that i don’t have to pull out the phone out of my pocket to answer calls and how it wakes me up in the morning due to the sleep settings i set up. Otherwise i use them as a normal watch only, but wish i had a chance to use my chopard instead, as i like it a lot. I would still keep the Apple Watch for sleeping at least.

    2 votes
  5. Comment on Ukrainian forces withdraw from Avdiivka; megathread for news/updates/discussion of Russian invasion of Ukraine - February 17 in ~news

    Link Parent
    They specifically said this so that’s why asked:

    They specifically said this so that’s why asked:

    I am getting into middle age, myself, and I have to stop and parse sentences that use 'they' and 'their' as a singular

    1 vote
  6. Comment on Ukrainian forces withdraw from Avdiivka; megathread for news/updates/discussion of Russian invasion of Ukraine - February 17 in ~news

    Link Parent
    What’s so new about using they or them when you don’t know if it’s a he or a she? I learned it twenty years ago from an English teacher in my third world country, so I’m just wondering if my...

    What’s so new about using they or them when you don’t know if it’s a he or a she? I learned it twenty years ago from an English teacher in my third world country, so I’m just wondering if my teacher was too progressive at the time they taught me. Although their political stance right now is very questionable in other ways.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~tech

    I don’t really have any issues like you described using Firefox on Mac. The only add on i have installed is ublock origin with default lists. I think before trying anything else, you should...

    I don’t really have any issues like you described using Firefox on Mac. The only add on i have installed is ublock origin with default lists.

    I think before trying anything else, you should disable all of your addons and try to see if you still experience the same issues and if not, start enabling your addons one at a time and retest until you find which addon could be the culprit.

    2 votes
  8. Comment on Anime for someone who doesn't like (shonen) anime that much in ~anime

    Link Parent
    Have to watch Samurai Champloo just for the soundtrack.

    Have to watch Samurai Champloo just for the soundtrack.

    1 vote
  9. Comment on Anime for someone who doesn't like (shonen) anime that much in ~anime

    (edited )
    A few suggestions in no particular order and I’m sure a lot of them are shonen. I signed in to my anime list for the first time in a decade to remember some names. Berserk but only the series from...

    A few suggestions in no particular order and I’m sure a lot of them are shonen. I signed in to my anime list for the first time in a decade to remember some names.

    Berserk but only the series from the nineties. Monster. FLCL. Moyashimon. Samurai Champloo. Azumanga Daiou. Hellsing. GTO(my favorite, but shonen). Ghost in the shell. Mushishi. NHK ni youkoso. Ouran koukou host club. Planetes. Ranma one half. Rurouni Kenshin. Slayers(old ones). Suzumiya haruhi no yuutsu. Gurenn lagann. Tenjou tenge. Xxxholic.

    Sorry for the formatting. Now I’m listening to slayers opening after remembering this existed.

    4 votes
  10. Comment on Down and to the right: Firefox got faster for real users in 2023 in ~tech

    (edited )
    I stubbornly used Firefox for the past twenty years as my main browser and I don’t plan to switch to anything else unless they shut it down. I tried opera a long time ago and honestly liked it...

    I stubbornly used Firefox for the past twenty years as my main browser and I don’t plan to switch to anything else unless they shut it down.

    I tried opera a long time ago and honestly liked it because of its download manager. Obviously switched to chrome when it just came out, but I still got back to Firefox. I really liked when they added Firefox accounts so that you could retrieve all your stuff when you reinstall your OS for example.

    Firefox was never slow for me, maybe because I don’t really have a habit of having a lot of tabs tabs open, and I like to keep my tab bar clean. I think my use case might be unpopular, because I don’t use bookmarks at all and rely on browser history heavily. Basically I hit control L and type what I want and usually it’s at the top (unless I had to clear my browser history for whatever reason usually due to work).

    I usually have just three pinned tabs open for gmail, Google calendar and jira. Back when google reader was a thing that one was also pinned one for me. I just can’t make myself use any other desktop alternatives for mail or calendar because I find them inferior.

    If i need something else that’s not in my pinned tabs, I just open a new tab and type to select from my history or send a google search and just open from top result if not I’m my history or if I’m too lazy to type the full URL.

    And whenever a tab crashes or is slow and unresponsive, I resort to blaming javascript rather than firefox. This is all based on experience having relatively adequate amount of ram, for example now I’m using m1 macbook air with 16gb ram and don’t have any problems whatsoever. But I think it all depends on how many tabs you have open.

    I actually also have chrome installed which I use in occasion someone tells me that the UI problems I have are related to firefox. I also use safari rarely for Apple Pay. But these brave, Vivaldi, Orion, opera gl and other browsers with revolutionary vertical tabs are not for me and I refuse to even try.

    3 votes
  11. Comment on Why does some songs begins with the notes C-F ? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I thought the main influence for rhythm and blues were black musicians playing pentatonic on western instruments. However what you are saying also makes sense as they were probably influenced by...

    I thought the main influence for rhythm and blues were black musicians playing pentatonic on western instruments. However what you are saying also makes sense as they were probably influenced by music of other cultures as well.

    4 votes
  12. Comment on Why does some songs begins with the notes C-F ? in ~music

    Link Parent
    I think that you are right about open string chords, as they are easier to play as well as they sound great. As for rock taking its roots from European folk music, this is probably wrong. What I...

    I think that you are right about open string chords, as they are easier to play as well as they sound great.

    As for rock taking its roots from European folk music, this is probably wrong. What I heard is it evolved from rhythm and blues music in America.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    If you have a chair with this type of casters you can just try leaning all the way back while sticking your legs all the way forward. Even if it doesn’t fall after your test, it doesn’t mean that...

    If you have a chair with this type of casters you can just try leaning all the way back while sticking your legs all the way forward. Even if it doesn’t fall after your test, it doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t happen for someone else with a different chair.

    For some reason none of the high end chairs use these. Probably because the casters that they put on their chairs aren’t just plastic.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I meant not rolling but tipping and falling because of increased height

    I meant not rolling but tipping and falling because of increased height

  15. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    I’m glad that it’s not a concern for you, but still people with laminate floors should consider how easy these casters going to roll

    I’m glad that it’s not a concern for you, but still people with laminate floors should consider how easy these casters going to roll

    3 votes
  16. Comment on What everyday things can you replace with a higher-quality alternative? in ~life

    Link Parent
    You will find yourself not being able to keep your chair still because this type of casters is so easy to roll. If i remember correctly they are also higher than normal casters and might make your...

    You will find yourself not being able to keep your chair still because this type of casters is so easy to roll. If i remember correctly they are also higher than normal casters and might make your chair unstable if you lean back. Overall they look cool but in practice you would get much better results of buying high quality rubberized casters. Never tried them personally but this is what I read when I heard about them for the first time.

    8 votes
  17. Comment on Office chair recommendations? in ~health

    Link Parent
    We aren’t ignoring op’s budget. But the op wants everything for very cheap, which is just unrealistic. People suggested checking second hand and the op now knows multiple brands that they could...

    We aren’t ignoring op’s budget. But the op wants everything for very cheap, which is just unrealistic.

    People suggested checking second hand and the op now knows multiple brands that they could look for.

    4 votes
  18. Comment on Office chair recommendations? in ~health

    Link Parent
    Markus is a great chair, but I ultimately had to get rid of it because I tended to slide further in it which led to pain in my lower back. Armrests also didn’t let me to get close enough to my...

    Markus is a great chair, but I ultimately had to get rid of it because I tended to slide further in it which led to pain in my lower back.

    Armrests also didn’t let me to get close enough to my desk, so I just removed them and replaced with low profile 3d printed handles to help me pull the chair under me when sitting down. Best upgrade for that chair.

    Ultimately my back and neck pain got worse and I spent a fortune on a IKEA idasen standing desk and Hag Capisco chair to pair with it sometimes when standing became uncomfortable. That’s obviously outside of op’s budget but for me it was money really well spent and I forgot about pain in my spine. Only my ass hurt a bit from sitting in that chair longer than I should but it’s designed this way so that you aren’t too comfortable and switch your sitting positions often or stand up.

    But Capisco really enforces good sitting posture if you adjust it right and your desk and screen heights.

    5 votes
  19. Comment on What are your thoughts on how a vet should interact with a dog? in ~life.pets

    Link Parent
    So did you accompany your second dog during all of those adaptation visits I just didn’t understand that?

    So did you accompany your second dog during all of those adaptation visits I just didn’t understand that?

    1 vote
  20. Comment on Why don't cities use hexagon blocks? in ~design

    Link Parent
    Maybe I’m stupid but I don’t understand how hexagons are infinitely stackable while squares aren’t. To me this whole idea looks like a dream. Main cities are already built as is and nobody is...

    Maybe I’m stupid but I don’t understand how hexagons are infinitely stackable while squares aren’t. To me this whole idea looks like a dream. Main cities are already built as is and nobody is going to rebuild them to have a hexagon layout. A lot of the cities not in America don’t even have this type of layout and are built chaotically.

    As for streets being long and straight, that just seems more convenient to me to be able to orient yourself. For example if you turned to a wrong street while the layout of streets is perpendicular to each other, then you know that you can simply drive a bit further to the next intersection or two to correct your route, while in a hexagonal layout you would just get lost in all of the short streets with their unique names and their intersections.

    1 vote