XanIves's recent activity

  1. Comment on Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million in ~games

    Link Parent
    I'd like to generously point out that clipping out of the back of your spaceship during quantum because you tried to walk around during flight will never fall behind the curve /s At least they...

    I'd like to generously point out that clipping out of the back of your spaceship during quantum because you tried to walk around during flight will never fall behind the curve /s

    At least they have somewhat of a fire under their ass for some reason. Usually every year they just say "hey, the games coming out someday, give us money for more giant concept ships". But since last Citcon, there's something afoot, I'm used to getting barely any content every year and now there's been a huge amount of work in the last 8 months.

    My guess is that Chris woke up and read a calendar, and had a mid-life crisis.

    8 votes
  2. Comment on A word about RMS, GPL and the free software movement in ~tech

    Link Parent
    If the F150 was going to have been pried from the grips of the American population, it probably would have done that when it hit 4 bucks a gallon. I think it's safe to say that big...

    If the F150 was going to have been pried from the grips of the American population, it probably would have done that when it hit 4 bucks a gallon.

    I think it's safe to say that big child-annihilating pickup trucks are going to be happily sold and bought in the USA for the next 30 years, barring legislative intervention.

    2 votes
  3. Comment on How ECMO is redefining death in ~health

    The last part of the article talking about being able to put organs on the ECMO so you can perform corrective surgeries OUTSIDE THE BODY is wild to me. Imagine being able to do chemotherapy on an...

    The last part of the article talking about being able to put organs on the ECMO so you can perform corrective surgeries OUTSIDE THE BODY is wild to me.

    Imagine being able to do chemotherapy on an organ without it being in the patients body, so you don’t need to suffer the horrible side effects and can instead choose to live with a portable machine instead for a few months.

    8 votes
  4. Comment on Marvel Rivals | Official announcement trailer in ~games

    Link Parent
    Agreed, honestly free to play and free free are on opposite ends of the spending spectrum in my opinion.

    Agreed, honestly free to play and free free are on opposite ends of the spending spectrum in my opinion.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on Starburst – Disturbances on the sun may have the potential to devastate our power grid and communication systems. When the next big storm arrives, will we be prepared for it? in ~space

    I'm always curious when reading an article that discusses losing transformers as being the real danger, and it makes me wonder how useful having residential solar would be in that scenario....

    I'm always curious when reading an article that discusses losing transformers as being the real danger, and it makes me wonder how useful having residential solar would be in that scenario.

    Post-event, if you're looking at a lead time of months to replace large chunks of the grid, then being able to power your home and even possibly your vehicle seems insanely useful, not just to yourself but to communities in general. Clean water, heating, cooling, refrigeration, no paying for expensive gasoline during an outage that isn't being supplied anymore due to supply chain issues. I wonder how resistant the average setup would be during an event like this, and what sort of mitigation strategies you could take to harden your residence.

    6 votes
  6. Comment on Modular storage systems? in ~life.home_improvement

    Haha, I'm glad you added the section calling out Gridfinity, because my immediate thought after reading the title was "Is this someone asking about Gridfinity?". I'm going to agree that if you...

    Haha, I'm glad you added the section calling out Gridfinity, because my immediate thought after reading the title was "Is this someone asking about Gridfinity?".

    I'm going to agree that if you don't have a 3d printer, and an interest already in fiddling around with one, then don't get one just for this sort of need. 3d printers can be finnicky in the same way as their 2d counterparts, regardless of how "easy to print with" or "ready to go out-of-the-box" people like to describe their favorite printer.

    5 votes
  7. Comment on ‘Our Flag Means Death’ canceled by Max after two seasons in ~tv

    Link Parent
    Same, loved the first season, but I'm just not invested in season 2. It feels like the characters are being written differently to the first season, and we don't have the same fun dynamic from the...

    Same, loved the first season, but I'm just not invested in season 2. It feels like the characters are being written differently to the first season, and we don't have the same fun dynamic from the first season of the mixed crew.

    4 votes
  8. Comment on Meet Nightshade, the new tool allowing artists to ‘poison’ AI models with corrupted training data in ~arts

    I can see a future where this paper's method is integrated into most digital art tools, photoshop/Krita/gimp/the apple thing, and there's a simple toggle to enable it ON or OFF when you export an...

    I can see a future where this paper's method is integrated into most digital art tools, photoshop/Krita/gimp/the apple thing, and there's a simple toggle to enable it ON or OFF when you export an image.

    Poisoning the vast majority of content online would seem to be the only ethical way to resolve this issue of "art theft" in training on art not intended for AI training by the created artist, forcing anyone looking to train a model to actually pay for access to un-poisoned content from creators in aggregate somehow.

    It'd be nice to be able to share art for the enrichment of human experience, without giving away the ownership of the art when it comes to training. I know copyright might be figured out someday, but there's a difference between something being illegal to steal and something being impossible to steal.

    35 votes
  9. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    What’s easier, regulating a single company/industry, or politely asking and convincing 50 million people? Reminds me of the good old war on drugs, where we targeted consumers of drugs rather than...

    What’s easier, regulating a single company/industry, or politely asking and convincing 50 million people?

    Reminds me of the good old war on drugs, where we targeted consumers of drugs rather than the producers and distributors. That didn’t turn out too well in the end.

    9 votes
  10. Comment on Encrypt. Now. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Has it ever made its way to court? I thought it being illegal was just the opinion of the copyright holder. I don’t remember anyone actually being sued or charged with anything.

    Has it ever made its way to court? I thought it being illegal was just the opinion of the copyright holder. I don’t remember anyone actually being sued or charged with anything.

    1 vote
  11. Comment on How Lars Findsen and Claus Hjort Frederiksen came to be facing trial for allegedly disclosing Danish state secrets that had been in the public domain for years in ~misc

    Interesting read. As far as I understand, in the US, discussing classified information even if it’s been leaked is still a no-go. The important aspect is that it’s still classified internally, and...

    Interesting read. As far as I understand, in the US, discussing classified information even if it’s been leaked is still a no-go.

    The important aspect is that it’s still classified internally, and sharing it still qualifies as a violation.

    So that made me curious when one of the men mentioned in the article was surprised when he was charged after he basically confirmed the leaked data, publicly. Confirming a leak is still bad, I’m not sure what he expected?

    7 votes
  12. Comment on $600million and a decade later, where is Star Citizen? in ~games

    Link Parent
    If it helps, I’ve personally seen larger than 100 servers. I think it’s from 100-180ish depending on the server, but I’ve definitely seen a 200 person server every once in a while. Every time they...

    If it helps, I’ve personally seen larger than 100 servers. I think it’s from 100-180ish depending on the server, but I’ve definitely seen a 200 person server every once in a while.

    Every time they optimize the network, they increase the server cap to add more players instead of just having better server performance. We had 50 player servers for about 4 years, and then about a year ago they made them 100, and a half year ago they bumped it up further.

  13. Comment on $600million and a decade later, where is Star Citizen? in ~games

    Link Parent
    That’s pretty close to how their server meshing plan is going to be. They’re going to be using dynamically instanced shards that can shrink and grow depending on player density as players group up...

    That’s pretty close to how their server meshing plan is going to be. They’re going to be using dynamically instanced shards that can shrink and grow depending on player density as players group up and move apart.

    A lot of larger ships lack interior windows specifically to enable this future splitting of the interior of the ship with the exterior, so jimmy doing repair work in engineering doesn’t need to get packet data from Jonathan the fighter pilot’s rudder taking damage.

  14. Comment on $600million and a decade later, where is Star Citizen? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I would sure hope they give me a picture of a car as part of the transaction, otherwise I’d have no clue what I’m buying! /s As long as they’re working on the car and sending me progress, I think...

    I would sure hope they give me a picture of a car as part of the transaction, otherwise I’d have no clue what I’m buying! /s

    As long as they’re working on the car and sending me progress, I think it’s not a scam. I do think that each time they decided to increase the scope of the car, and change the model to add more wheels/windows/seats there should be some sort of warning sent out to people who are waiting for that particular car, but it doesn’t seem like that’s exactly a scam. I paid for a product, they’re making the product. If you consider “a ship” the product like in your case, then they’ve delivered plenty of ships so that gives me a good idea of how long the rest will take.

    If you think “the game” is the product, then I have great news: it doesn’t cost $40,000, it’s actually only ~$40ish dollars. And you get to use it in the meantime, so you’re free to play it and refund it if you don’t like it, same as any other game really.

    3 votes
  15. Comment on Ball und Panzer Golf: Making a Playdate game in a week in ~games

    This is my first time hearing anything about this Playdate handheld, seems neat. Both the article explaining the development process of the game and also the explanation of what the Playmate were...

    This is my first time hearing anything about this Playdate handheld, seems neat. Both the article explaining the development process of the game and also the explanation of what the Playmate were really interesting; the actual website for the blog was slick and fun to use on mobile.

    Honestly I wish I had a playmate just for the fun of developing on it. I’m putting this on my shopping list.

    1 vote
  16. Comment on Some general advice for all the new Tildes users in ~tildes

    Link Parent
    There's definitely a subset of Reddit's population that craves the chance to be part of an angry mob of hate towards people or things that are popular to dislike. Things like r/FuckHOA,...

    There's definitely a subset of Reddit's population that craves the chance to be part of an angry mob of hate towards people or things that are popular to dislike. Things like r/FuckHOA, r/RelationshipAdvice, r/AmITheAsshole, r/RaisedByNarcissists, or any of the subreddits fundamentally built on people sharing experiences that are "safe" to collectively get angry and worked up at.

    I think reddit's always had a community of these sort of users, who just want to be part of a mob. Things like r/FatPeopleHate and r/Cringetopia come to mind as the communities that made reddit look bad in the press and were banned as a result, but banning those subreddits was a narrow and minor band-aid that failed to address the real culture issue underneath. Those users never left, and they simply found new ways to be enraged in new subreddits and continue driving user engagement as those subreddits climb higher and higher into r/all.

    Recognizing that negative interaction and feedback loop of the group-hate-sessions that these posts turn into as being destructive to the quality of a user base is something I appreciate about Tilde's stance on disagreement and tone. You can see the effect upon the quality of content, as there is next to zero reactionary content made solely to farm outrage.

    24 votes